Sunday, November 24, 2013

You Got A Reason To Be Thankful

Happy Sunday!

Bishop Alexis A. Thomas preached, "You Got A Reason To Be Thankful!" He used Psalm 100 as his reference scripture.

If you are like me, you memorized this Scripture in Sunday School as a child. However, I always enjoy reading scriptures in other translations.

The Easy-To-Read Version says, "Earth, sing to the Lord! Be happy as you serve the Lord! Come before him with happy songs! Know that the Lord is God. He made us, and we belong to him. We are his people, the sheep he takes care of. Come through the gates to his Temple giving thanks to him. Enter his courtyards with songs of praise.
Honor him and bless his name. The Lord is good! There is no end to his faithful love. We can trust him forever and ever!"

The Message Translation says, "On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence. Know this: God is God, and God, God.
He made us; we didn’t make him. We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.
Enter with the password: “Thank you!” Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
Thank him. Worship him. For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever."

The Voice Translations says, "Raise your voices; make a beautiful noise to the Eternal, all the earth. Serve the Eternal gladly; enter into His presence singing songs of joy! Know this: the Eternal One Himself is the True God. He is the One who made us; we have not made ourselves; we are His people, like sheep grazing in His fields. Go through His gates, giving thanks; walk through His courts, giving praise. Offer Him your gratitude and praise His holy name. Because the Eternal is good, His loyal love and mercy will never end, and His truth will last throughout all generations."

We are not asked to make a joyful noise, we are commanded to do it! We are commanded to come before God with joy. Joy differs from happiness, in that happiness depends on what is happening. We can have joy in the midst of trying circumstances. The scripture doesn't say come with a joyful noise when everything is going well, it just says come. Come to God acknowledging that he is God! He is worthy of our praise because he is good! He made us, he keeps us, he protects us, and we should be thankful!

Bishop said, "There is nothing worse than an ungrateful child." As soon as he said it I thought of the movie, "Imitation of Life". If you haven't seen it put it on your bucket list. It gives an example of an ungrateful child and the sad consequences. God is our heavenly father. He loves and cares for us dearly. We must take time to say, "Thank You!" Not just once a year, but every day! Just watch the news and you will see how much we have to be grateful for. Earthquakes, tsunamis, super storms, tornados, fires, floods, murders, thefts, accidents, and illnesses are just a few of the headlines. If you are able to read this e-mail, you are blessed more than so many in the world.

You Got A Reason To Be Thankful!

Love and Prayers, Cynthia

P.S. - Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the days ahead and remember to be thankful, grateful, and appreciative every day!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

He Saw the Best in Me

Happy Sunday!
Today Bishop Alexis A. Thomas had two friends visiting from California. Pastor Victor Brice from Solomon Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Pittsburg, California sang at the 11a.m. service, and his brother Pastor Larry Brice from People's Baptist Church in Oakland, California preached. Pastor Larry Brice preached, "He Saw The Best In Me!" He used St. John 8:3-10 as his reference scriptures.

Many of the problems we face today are the result of mental and emotional baggage laid on us by others. In life we experience leeches, loaders, and liars. Leeches want to suck all the good out of us. They never give, only take. The loaders want to burden us with their negativity or their cares and woes. The liars want us to believe that life is hopeless, that God is angry with us, and that our dreams will never come true. These are the people we should avoid! The Apostle Paul wrote, “Don’t link up with those who will pollute you.” 2 Corinthians 6:17 (Message)

The Scribes and the Pharisees were the religious leaders. They were constantly looking for a way to bring Jesus down and stop his ministry. On this particular day, they brought a woman to Jesus while he was teaching. They probably interrupted his sermon, most haters do like to make a scene. I imagine they brought this woman without allowing her to get dressed, adding to her embarrassment. The woman had been caught in the act of adultery, but it is very suspicious that they only brought the woman. Adultery is a two person affair. The Law said that both of the perpetrators were to be stoned to death. The Scribes and Pharisees thought that they could find fault with Jesus in front of the multitude. If Jesus were to say, "Don't stone her", they could accuse him of going against the Law of Moses. And if he were to say "stone her", he would appear cruel and merciless. Pastor Brice compared this event to a game of chess. The Scribes and Pharisees thought the had Jesus cornered. Checkmate! They failed to realize they were dealing with God in human flesh.

"Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger in the dirt. They kept at him, badgering him. He straightened up and said, “The sinless one among you, go first: Throw the stone.” Bending down again, he wrote some more in the dirt. Hearing that, they walked away, one after another, beginning with the oldest. The woman was left alone. John 8:6-9 (Message)

We don't know what Jesus wrote on the ground, but I can imagine it was dates and times. He was God. He knew all about their hidden sins. They were true hypocrites! Whatever he wrote caused them to leave speechless! "Jesus stood up and spoke to her. “Woman, where are they? Does no one condemn you?” “No one, Master.” “Neither do I,” said Jesus. “Go on your way. From now on, don’t sin.” John 8:10-11 (Message)

God sees the best in us! He loves us unconditionally. Of course, he wants us to obey and live right but he loves us in spite of our sin. Think of it this way, the woman was caught in the very act of adultery...we have been caught in the very act of worrying(Yes, it's a sin), lying (white lies and black lies, too), selfishness, pride, haughtiness, unforgiveness, and rebellion. Did you know that rebellion is as bad as witchcraft? 1 Samuel 15:23 says, "Not doing what God tells you is far worse than fooling around in the occult. Getting self-important around God is far worse than making deals with your dead ancestors." (Message)

God sees the Best in YOU! He wants the Best for YOU! This week, let's GO, and sin no more!

Love and prayers, Cynthia

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Giving Your Best

Happy Sunday!

Today we celebrated our Bishop's 29th year in ministry and his 46th Birthday! Our guest speaker was Pastor Kerwin B. Lee from Berean Christian Church in Stone Mountain, Georgia. His message was entitled, "What Happens When You Give God Your Best". He used St. Mark 14:3-9 as his reference scriptures.

There are three levels that we humans beings can occupy. We are either below average, average, or above average. If you occupy two of these levels you will undoubtedly experience persecution. If you are below average, people will say..."What a waste, they should be doing more with the gifts God gave them". If you are above average, people will say..."Who does he/she think they are? It doesn't take all that!" The only level you can occupy safely without any persecution in the "average" level. My mother wouldn't allow us to be average. We had to bring our books home from school whether we had homework or not. She believed that no self-respecting educator would send a child home without homework. See required excellence even in our house work. If you didn't do a task properly you could expect to have to do it again. God is our heavenly father. He says we are special, unique, and precious. He will not accept average. He calls us out to be extraordinary. "But you are his chosen people, the King’s priests. You are a holy nation, people who belong to God. He chose you to tell about the wonderful things he has done. He brought you out of the darkness of sin into his wonderful light." - 1 Peter 2:9 (Easy-to-Read Version)

In the text, a woman gave an extraordinary gift to Jesus. When she gave her gift three things happened. First those around her got an attitude. Verse 4 says, "Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, “Why this waste of perfume?" They didn't buy the perfume! They didn't have any business commenting about it, but they did what others will do when you give God your best. People will judge and criticize you. Secondly, they made an assumption. Verse 5 says, "It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages and the money given to the poor.” Those around her assumed that they knew better how her gift could be used. Third, they attacked her. Verse 5 also says, "And they rebuked her harshly." At that point Jesus spoke up.

Verses 6 through 9 say, “Leave her alone,” said Jesus. “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (New International Version)

How can we give God our best? Good question! In order to give our best we must give like the woman in these scriptures; Personally, Publicly, Intentionally, Sacrificially, and Liberally.

Personally - The gift belonged to the woman. It was hers to give. Pastor Robert Morrison uses this example...imagine you drive a friend to the airport because they have to take a flight and you need to use their vehicle. When they return you tell them that the Lord has spoken to you and told you to give them the vehicle. They look puzzled. It was their vehicle in the first place. You can't give them something they already own. In the same way, the "tithe" belongs to God. When you give it it's more like returning it to it's rightful owner. The gift the woman gave was her own, it was not the tithe. It was above and beyond the tithe. Selah.

Publicly - She was not ashamed to give her gift in front of the others. Now don't get this point twisted, she didn't give it publicly to be seen or noticed. But she wasn't afraid to worship Jesus in front of others. There's a big difference. Jesus said, “When you do something for someone else, don’t call attention to yourself. You’ve seen them in action, I’m sure—‘playactors’ I call them—treating prayer meeting and street corner alike as a stage, acting compassionate as long as someone is watching, playing to the crowds. They get applause, true, but that’s all they get. When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it—quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out." Matthew 6:2-4 (Message Translation)

Intentionally - The scripture says she broke the jar of perfume. She didn't make a small opening so a little bit could leak out. She broke it with the intention that it was all to be used on Jesus. There was no turning back after it was broken.

Sacrificially - The spectators remarked that the perfume was very costly, one writer even says it was worth a years wages. But the woman decided that Jesus was worth the cost. The Apostle John identified the woman as Mary, the sister of Lazarus. She had seen her brother raised from the dead. I imagined Mary had a new perspective about the value of "Things".

Liberally - She gave liberally. She followed the example of our Awesome God. She poured that gift out for Jesus. Malachi 3:10b says, "if you do(give tithes and offerings), I will open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing so great you won’t have room enough to take it in!" (Living Bible)

Give God your best this week! I salute all our nation's Veteran's this week! I appreciate that you have given your best for our country!

Love and prayers, Cynthia

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Time to Celebrate

Happy Sunday!
Bishop Alexis A. Thomas preached "It's Time To Celebrate!" He used Isaiah 54:1-4 as his reference scripture.

The Eternal One says, "Sing, childless woman, you who have never given birth. Raise a joyful shout, you who have never gone through labor. You, whose husband is dead, will bring forth much more than the fertile one who has a husband. Enlarge your house. You are going to need a bigger place; don’t underestimate the amount of room that you’ll need. So build, build, build. You will increase in every direction to fill the world. Your offspring will take over the nations; Your people will revitalize long-abandoned towns. Don’t be afraid, for there is no one to shame you. Don’t fear humiliation, for there is no one to disgrace you. The shame of your younger years and the sorrow of your widowhood are over. You’ll forget those days as if they never happened". Isaiah 54:1-4 (Voice Translation)

Isaiah 55:9 says, "I don’t think the way you think. The way you work isn’t the way I work.” God’s Decree.
“For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think". (Message Translation)
Did you get that? God doesn't think like we think. His thoughts and plans are far, far above our limited imaginations. He says so in the Word, "God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!" Ephesians 3:20 (Message Translation)

Through the prophet Isaiah, God commands the strangest people to rejoice. He commands a barren woman and a widowed woman to "Sing". Think about this. Women in that biblical culture were considered second class citizens, if not less. There was no feminism. Women were at the mercy of their husbands and they were judged by their ability to bear children. Do you remember Hannah? She was taunted by her husbands' other wife Peninnah because she couldn't have children. Do you remember Rachel the beloved wife of Jacob? Because she was barren, she was willing to give her handmaiden to her husband just to give him a child. What problems that caused! What about widows? Widows were also in a precarious state. Without their husbands to provide for them, they would have to rely on their sons. If they had no sons it could be even more disastrous. But God tells these two groups of women to "Sing".

Our enemy wants to silence us! He wants to stop our celebration. But God wants us to "Shout First!" What do I mean by that? I'm so glad you asked. When the Children of Israel went into the Promised Land they had to conquer the city of Jericho. Jericho's walls were high and wide. God didn't tell them to go in and try to tear the walls down. He told them to march around the walls silently one time a day for 6 days. On the seventh day they were commanded to march around the city seven times. On the seventh time on the seventh day, the Priests were to blow the trumpets and the people were to shout. They had to obey and shout before they saw the outcome! They had to trust God that something great was going to happen even though it looked impossible. Just like the scripture text used today...people with little hope for a full, and prosperous future have to trust God and "Sing".

Do you remember Paul and Silas? They cast a demon out of a young woman. She had been bringing in a lot of money for her masters by fortune telling. Acts 16:23-26 says, "And when they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to keep them securely. Having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed". (New King James Version) Paul and Silas hadn't done anything wrong! They were beaten and imprisoned unfairly. They could have easily begun to cry, "Nobody knows, the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows my sorrow!" But they didn't! They prayed and sang and God miraculously brought them out!

What does this have to do with you? So glad you asked! No matter what you are facing right now, God wants you to sing and rejoice because he is going to bring you out! God can be trusted! He keeps his promises!

Love and prayers,
