Sunday, October 14, 2007


Happy Sunday!

It's me again!

I love my church!  Service was awesome.  I attend the 830am service.  If I was a real football fan, I'd never miss a game because I'm home before 11am.

Anyway, I usually take the opportunity to visit other churches for their 11am services.  I visited New Salem Missionary Baptist Church today.  I love Pastor Jerry McAfee.  Everytime I go over there I leave inspired and encouraged. In stature he remids me of Rev. Zachary L. Lee, in singing he reminds me of a cross between Smokie Norful and Elder Otis A. Eanes.  New Salem also has a wonderful choir, which makes me think of St. Louis and East St. Louis.

Pastor McAfee preached from Lamentations chapter 3.  From verse 1 to verse 20, Jeremiah the weeping prophet pours out his soul about all the bad things that are happening to him.

BUT in verse 21, he remembers...It's because of the Lord's mercy (Mercy is a term used to describe the leniency or compassion
shown by one person to another, or a request from one person to another to be shown such leniency or compassion.;Wikipedia) that we are not consumed (Consumed = transitive verb destroy something or somebody: to destroy something or somebody completely was consumed by fire; dictionary). 

Pastor McAfee asked us to be truthful.  Can you remember a five day period where you did wrong or made a mistake at least once each day?  Of course, I admit I have had periods that extended longer that five days.  Periods that I spent in unforgiveness, not relaesing forgiveness to others.  Periods that I spent doing what I wanted and with whomever I wanted.  But according the this scripture text, each day God's mercies and compassions for me were and are new. Yes many of my problems, I brought on myself.  But each day even though I go through things, God's mercy and compassion are NEW = revived or different: constituting a revived, different, improved, or more advanced form of something; dictionary).

Today is a new fresh chance for me and you to be all God created us to be, one day at a time.

I love you!  I love Minnesota and most of all I love GOD, cause he first loved me.

Have an awesome day in the Lord!


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