Sunday, March 21, 2010


Happy  Sunday!

“Don’t Get It Twisted I Am Anointed!  Yes, that was Bishop’s sermon topic today!  He used Mark 3:31-35 and Luke 4:16-21.

He is so down to earth and funny.  You can watch the broadcast by going to the website.

Bishop talked about how people from your home town, your home church, and even your family can sometimes underestimate or doubt the assignment that GOD has given you.  They knew you “when”.  Sometimes people can’t or won’t get past what you used to do and who you used to be.  I love the rapper T.I.   I know, I know, I need prayer! Pray for me saints!  Anyway, he had a song called, “You Don’t Know Me”.  Basically, he was tired of people always assuming they knew who he was and what he was about.  There may be people in your life that think they know you.  They think you are nobody.  They think you can’t succeed.  They think you won’t survive.  They think you’ll do it again, or fail again, or never make anything of yourself.  But just like T.I. you need to say…You don’t know me!   Don’t get it twisted I’m anointed.

Jesus was preaching in his home town.   His mother and siblings came to see him. They sent word in to Jesus.  Jesus made a bold statement…he wasn’t disrespecting his family.  He was just saying sometimes spiritual relationships are stronger than blood.  Jesus wanted them to know that the relationship to GOD is the most important relationship.  When that vertical relationship is intact all our other relationships will flourish.

In the second scripture, Jesus went to the church.  The customs were different then.  The designated reader would read the selected passage.  Isn’t it ironic that the scripture to be read the day Jesus arrives is one of the most powerful passages in the New Testament. 

Jesus was proclaiming his identity.  He was letting them know what he came to do.  There’s a snappy song we sing in church that says…I don’t know what you came to do, but I come to praise the Lord!  Jesus was letting them know he was about business.  So what can I get from this message.  We are GOD’s ambassadors, we are the only Jesus some people will ever know.  We are anointed to do great things and the things we do will…

 How you do it is up to you!  Just do it!

Love and prayers for a beautiful week, Cynthia

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