Sunday, September 19, 2010

Let God Out of the Church!

Happy Sunday! I hope you had a wonderful week.  My week was full.  So full that I forgot what Bishop Thomas preached about last Sunday.  That's so sad.  I'm one the most animated members.  I'm screaming, "Amen!" and standing up in response to the good Word being preached.  But within the week I forgot what I heard!
The Apostle James wrote about that problem, "Those who hear and don't act are like those who glance in the mirror, walk away, and two minutes later have no idea who they are, what they look like"  James 1:22-24(Message Translation).   Maybe I'm the only one.  But I doubt it.  There is a good reason athletes and entertainers practice.  They practice to keep the plays, the moves, the music, and their lines fresh and in their minds.  Don't worry, I took good notes, so I can tell you what Bishop preached.  How I long for the day when I can remember it without looking at my notes.
The subject of last week's sermon was, "Let God Out of the Church!"  Yes, in Sunday School as children, we learned that God has the whole world in his hands.  But for some reason we seem to treat God as if he only belongs in the church.  We get dressed up, drive to church, enjoy the service, then leave God in the church building.  Bishop encouraged us to let God out of the church.  How do we let God out of the church?
Make sure you are in the right church!  Do you feel the presence of God in your church?  The deacons in the old church sang a song that said, "I wouldn't have a religion, that I couldn't feel sometimes".  No, it's not ALL about feelings, but you should at least feel that the three hours you spent in church was beneficial and edifying! Not to mention the two hours it took to get all dolled up to go.  Is the unadulterated WORD being preached?  Do you understand the WORD that is being preached?  One of my favorite preachers likes to use big words.  Sometimes I have get the dictionary and look those words up.  That's ok for me.  But if that's not your thing, make sure you find a preacher that you can understand.  Are you growing and changing?  Are you?  Churches are like soil.  Put a little dry shriveled up Christian in some good soil and you should see some growth.
Worship God daily!  Bishop said and I quote..."The YOU you see in worship should be the YOU you see everywhere!"  We have confused the world with our lifestyles.  People are looking for "REAL" worshipers.  Why do you think our nation and the world is so addicted to reality television shows?  People want to see the real person.  We are nosy by nature!  LOL!  We want to know what makes you tick. 

Matthew 5:16 (New Living Translation)

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
Let God out of the church this week, OK?  Have a wonderful week!  Love Cynthia

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