Sunday, January 23, 2011

People to Avoid

Happy Sunday!

It’s been a full week!  We experienced the annual “Fresh Rain” Conference at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona.   Pastor Kerwin Lee from Stone Mountain, Georgia, Bishop Michael Pitts from Toledo, Ohio, and Dr. John Gunns from Jacksonville, Florida were the guest speakers. They were all awesome!  I would like to share the message by Pastor Kerwin Lee preached on Thursday night.  The title of the message was, “The People You Should Avoid!”  He used Matthew 20:1-13.

Before I tell who the people are that you should avoid, let me tell you a little about the story.  The Kingdom has an owner, that’s GOD.  The Kingdom has an origin, that’s Heaven.  The Kingdom has ordinances, that’s laws included in the Word of God.  The Kingdom has offspring, that’s you and I.  And the Kingdom has an opponent, that’s Satan.

The people you should AVOID are;

Avoid people who are full of conclusions- In verse 10, the workers hired at 6am assumed that they would received more than the penny they agreed to in verse 2.  Avoid people who make assumptions.  Research the issue for yourself!  Ask questions, be proactive, Google it if necessary. 

Avoid people who are full of complaints- In verse 11, the workers hired at 6am complained.  Avoid people who always complain!  Complaining is contagious.  Do you remember what happened to the Israelites in the wilderness?  They complained.  Then they wandered in the wilderness until all the complainers died! 

Avoid people who are full of competition- In verse 12(a), the workers hired at 6am complained that they should have been paid more because they endured the “scorching heat”.  Avoid people who thrive on negative competition. 

Avoid people who are full of conceit – In verse 12(b), the workers hired at 6am were conceited.  They felt that they weren’t equal to the other workers.  They were incensed that they would be treated the same as the other workers.  Avoid conceited people.  The Word compares us to dust and tiny bubbles on the water.  We can be here today and gone today.  If we have anything to proud of it all because of the GRACE of God!

Avoid people who are full of comparison – In verse 12(c), the workers hired at 6am compared themselves to the other workers.  Never compare yourself to others!  There will always be someone who is different, smarter, shorter, taller, slimmer, fuller, younger, older, more educated, or less educated.  Don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to Jesus.  He was the ultimate example!  If you compare yourself to him you will always have a higher goal to reach.

Now you know what type of people to avoid!  Have a wonderful week!

Love and prayers, Cynthia 

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