Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I Forgot to Cry

Happy Wednesday!

So today I was  in a meeting with my department Director.  We were discussing some changes and improvements that need to be made.  All of the suggestions are good and logical and will make our office a more pleasant and productive place to work.

We have similar work styles and work ethics. In the discussion, she mentioned a funny story from years ago about getting a speeding ticket.  She was devastated, but her husband was totally calm.  It was so funny, and I could see myself in her story.  I immediately began to cry.

I know, I're wondering how a funny story could make you cry. 

Well thank God for the Holy Spirit, my personal therapist. Just as quickly as the tears started falling, I remembered I forgot to cry about the recent death of a loved one.  I forgot to cry about some financial difficulties.  I forgot to cry about struggling with my homework.  In the process of dealing with life, I forgot to live it.  Life is not always easy.  Yes, we have to be strong and we are expected to keep it all together.
They tell us to "Man Up" and "Suck It Up" but what's wrong with having a good cleansing cry?

I'm crying as I write this!  Psalm 56:8 says, "You’ve kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, Each tear entered in your ledgereach ache written in your book." (Message Translation)

Have a wonderful day, don't forget to cry!


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