Monday, June 30, 2014

Loss, Life, and Lost in the House

Happy Sunday on Monday!

I'm praying that you had a wonderful weekend and are preparing for an exciting holiday week!  Happy Sunday is a bit late this week, my work schedule changed and I was extremely tired last night.

Pastor Zachary L. Lee used to talk about the vicissitudes of life; the ups and downs. It has been two weeks of ups and downs, but thank God he "always causes us to triumph in Christ!" 2 Corinthians 2:14 (King James Version)  

My nephew, Charles A. Harper, Jr. was laid to rest on Friday, June 27, 2014. Nothing causes you to examine your theology like death.  I've had several opportunities to discuss death with my children.  The Word declares that, "Since the children are made of flesh and blood, it’s logical that the Savior took on flesh and blood in order to rescue them by his death. By embracing death, taking it into himself, he destroyed the Devil’s hold on death and freed all who cower through life, scared to death of death."  Jesus has freed us from the fear of death.  No, that doesn't make it any more pleasant to deal with, but we don't have to fear death when we have a relationship with Jesus Christ. We also discussed the fact that God is not killing people!  He's not out picking flowers for his garden as some ministers would have you believe. There is only one entity that kills, steals, and destroys!  John 10:10 says, "The thief approaches with malicious intent, looking to steal, slaughter, and destroy; I (JESUS) came to give life with joy and abundance." (Voice)  Thankfully, my nephew had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. "God’s gifts and God’s call are under full warranty—never canceled, never rescinded." Romans 11:29 (Message) 

This week I also had to privilege of helping get my young cousin, Tonnie White settled in his college apartment. Tonnie will be playing football for Scottsdale Community College. It was inspiring to see young black men moving toward their goals.  It was wonderful to know that all of the young people are not out doing negative things.  I salute them and their parents.  Tonnie is the son of my amazing cousin, Sonya Brooks White and her awesome husband Donnie White. I got an extra special treat because my aunt Sophia Brooks Henson, the proud grandmother came to the valley as well.  The ladies attended church with us on Sunday.

Reverend Elton Ford preached, "Lost in the House".  He used Luke 15:8-10 as his reference scriptures. I love the Word!  It is always fresh and relevant.  Reverend Ford reminded us that we should never let our circumstances determine who we are!  Even when you don't feel it, you must remember that you are loved and you are valuable. God sacrificed his only son for you!  In this scripture text, a woman had lost a precious coin.  Long before incandescent lights and Travertine tile, this woman had to light a candle and sweep her dirt floor to find the coin.  She put in the effort because the coin was valuable.  Everyday God is showing you his love and reminding you of your value.  Psalm 19:1 says, "God’s glory is on tour in the skies, God-craft on exhibit across the horizon. Madame Day holds classes every morning, Professor Night lectures each evening." (Message)  Don't you be lost in the house!  Romans 2:4 says, "Do you take the kindness of God for granted? Do you see His patience and tolerance as signs that He is a pushover when it comes to sin? How could you not know that His kindness is guiding our hearts to turn away from distractions and habitual sin to walk a new path?" (Voice)

Reverend Ford shared another point that I really enjoyed.  If you purchased a new Mercedes you would never take it to the Ford dealership for service. Well, I hope you wouldn't! LOL! You would take it back to it's manufacturer! God created us!  He knows what we need when we need it!  Even the Apostle James wrote, "If you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking." James 1:5 (Voice)

Love and prayers, Cynthia

Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Praising God in Strange Places"

Happy Sunday!

Our guest speaker today was Bishop-Designate, Dr. Carolyn D. Showell, PhD.  I feel like I need to add a disclaimer at this point.  The message was so powerful and prophetic it would take weeks for me to share it all.

She used Psalm 137:1-6...

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.  For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?  If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.  If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy. (King James Version)

She gave two titles to the message; "Praising God in Strange Places" and "The Questions of an Unwilling Praiser".   

In this scripture text, the Children of Israel were in captivity.  You remember the story. They refused to obey God and their enemies got the best of them. This is their Blues song!  They cried about being in a strange place and asked, "How could we sing a song about the Eternal in a land so foreign, while still tormented, brokenhearted, homesick?" (Voice)  Great question! How can I praise God when my heart is broken because of the senseless murder of a loved one? How can I praise God when my relationship is falling apart?  How can I praise God when the bills are due and the money is funny?  How can I praise God when the doctor has given me a terrible prognosis?  This scripture has the answer.  STOP DWELLING on the PAST! The Children of Israel couldn't praise God because they kept living in the past!  They could not enjoy the blessing of today because they were stuck in the yesterday. We don't want to be like the Children of Israel.  We have to change our minds about trials and tribulation.  There's only one way to change our minds. Romans 12:2 says, "Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete." (Voice)
Dr. Showell described the Children of Israel as "arrogant" and classified their question as an arrogant question.  The true question should be, "Is there ever a time when praise is not appropriate?" Psalm 34:1 says, "I will praise the Eternal in every moment through every situation." (Voice)  

When we praise God the Holy Spirit gives us fresh intelligence and revelation that will shift our circumstances. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 says, "No mere man has ever seen, heard, or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord. But we know about these things because God has sent his Spirit to tell us, and his Spirit searches out and shows us all of God’s deepest secrets." (Living Bible)

Psalm 150:6 says, "No one should be left out; Let every man and every beast— every creature that has the breath of the Lord—praise the Eternal! Praise the Eternal!" (Voice) 

It's always time to praise God!

Love and prayers, Cynthia

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Sunday!

Happy Father's Day to all the awesome fathers!

Bishop Alexis A. Thomas has been out for a number of weeks.  We thought he was traveling or on hiatus. Today he disclosed that he had fallen and was recovering and dealing with back problems!  We were so happy to see him and glad that he is doing better. Feel free to add him to your prayer list as well.

Elder Richard Yarbrough ministered today.  Elder Yarbrough shared his thoughts on being a father.  He and the other men that ministered today are all from broken homes. The beauty of this is that they are perfect examples of how God can"redeem our lives from destruction". Psalm 103:4 (King James Version)  It reminded me of Pastor Randy Morrison from Speak the Word Church International in Golden Valley, Minnesota. Pastor Randy was born to a single mother in Trinidad.  He always gave his testimony and encouraged us, "You don't have to die in the place you were born!" Even though your childhood and relationships may not have been all you desired, "God can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us," Ephesians 3:20 (Voice)

Bishop had an altar call for all of those who were struggling with unforgiveness, disappointment, and heartache on Father's Day.  The altar was full of people; men, women, and children of all ages.  He prayed for the group and allowed time for Elder Yarbrough, and Brother Battle to hug each one of them.  It was wonderful and very emotional.  

If your father is still with you, cherish him and show him your appreciation!  He may not be perfect, none of us really are.  If your father has gone to live with the Lord, remember him with gratefulness.  It's because of him that you exist, which means he did at least one thing right! 

Love and prayers, Cynthia

Listen with respect to the father who raised you, and when your mother grows old, don’t neglect her.
Buy truth—don’t sell it for love or money; buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight.
Parents rejoice when their children turn out well; wise children become proud parents. 
So make your father happy! Make your mother proud! - Proverbs 23:22 (Message)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

I'm Better Than This!

Happy Sunday!

Our guest speaker today was Pastor Timothy Craig, pastor of Fire And Faith Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona.  He used Luke 15:11-20 as his reference scriptures. His sermon was entitled, "I'm Better Than This!"

This passage of scripture is very familiar, but thankfully the Word is alive and always fresh. The prodigal son was selfish and impatient. He wanted his inheritance even before his father passed away.  What a brat!  His loving father gave him his inheritance. Then the prodigal son left home and squandered his money with wild living.  When all the money was gone and he was bankrupt, he was forced to work for a pig farmer in order to survive. To a Jew having to work for a pig farmer was the bottom of the barrel.  It gets worse.  He was so hungry that he considered eating the slop he was feeding to the pigs. One day the prodigal came to himself and remembered that even the servants in his father's house had three meals a day.  He "came to himself" and realized, "I'm Better Than This!"

Pastor Craig encouraged us to never take our gifts and talents for granted.  We have to resist the tendency to be complacent.  Benjamin E. Mays said, "The tragedy of life is often not in our failure, but rather in our complacency; not in our doing too much, but rather in our doing too little; not in our living above our ability, but rather in our living below our capacities".

The word "prodigal" is defined as spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.  In order to be a prodigal one must be a "prodigy", a person, especially a child or young person, having extraordinary talent or ability. God is our Father.  We are created in his glorious image.  He has blessed us all with extraordinary talents and abilities.  He has a plan and a purpose for each of us, and "His divine power has given us everything we need to experience life and to reflect God’s true nature through the knowledge of the One who called us by His glory and virtue."  2 Peter 1:3 (VOICE) 

We can be better...

Spiritually - The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 (King James Version)  Successful athletes train and practice.  They understand that in order to be the best you have to put in the work.  In the same way, we must study the Word, meditate on the Word, and pray the Word. 

Financially -  We can do better financially!  Luke 6:38 says, "Don’t hold back—give freely, and you’ll have plenty poured back into your lap—a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, brimming over. You’ll receive in the same measure you give."  (VOICE)  When we really trust God, it will be evident in our giving.

Emotionally - There's an old song that says, " Sometimes up, sometimes down, almost level to the ground".  If that describes you emotionally, you are better than that!  Pastor Craig explained that if we dwell on the negative we allow those voices to become, "god" in our lives.  When we believe the negative we are disputing all the positive promises of God.  We can be better emotionally by truly believing the Word of God.  David said, "Deep within me I have hidden Your word so that I will never sin against You" Psalm 119:11 (VOICE)  

I'm better than this!  You are better than this!  Don't settle for less than God's Best!  As the Army used to say, "Be All That You Can Be!"

Love and prayers, Cynthia

Sunday, June 1, 2014

You Can Survive the Sifting!

Happy Sunday!

Pastor A. L. Perkins from Tabernacle of Faith Missionary Baptist Church of San Francisco, California was our guest speaker today.  He preached, "You Can Survive the Sifting!"  He used Luke 22:30-31 as his reference scriptures.

Jesus was on his way to the cross.  He wanted to prepare his disciples for all that they would experience.  Just like us, they didn't understand.  In order to get Peter's attention Jesus said, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.” (New Living Translation)

This passage holds three points that can encourage us today.

The Attack of Satan - The King James Version says, "Satan hath desired to have you".  The enemy is a true enemy!  He desires to devour us, distract us, and destroy us!  1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" (King James Version) Yes, the enemy is out to get us but God has given us power and authority over him!  James 4:7 says, "Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will run away from you." (Common English Bible)  Did you hear that? The devil will run from you when you submit yourself to God!  

The Assurance of the Savior - The word "but" is a conjunction.  You already know this.  The word connects two parts of a sentence and basically cancels out the previous statement.  Yes, the enemy wants to destroy you, BUT Jesus has prayed for you!  Romans 8:34 says, "Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." (King James Version)  It's wonderful to know that others are praying for you, but even if they forget we have the assurance that Jesus will never forget.  You can be confident that Jesus is praying the right prayer at the right time. Pastor Perkins summed it up in three words; Intercession, Intervention, and Inspiration.  Jesus is interceding for us, this is intervention in our struggles, and knowing this should inspire us.  We don't have to worry because, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever." Psalm 23:6 (King James Version)

The Assignment of the Saint - Jesus spoke to Peter prophetically.  He said,"When you have come through the time of testing, turn to your companions and give them a fresh start.” Luke 22:32 (Message)  Jesus knew that Peter would survive the sifting and he knew afterward Peter would be able to strengthen the other disciples!  After denying the Lord, Peter turned around and became a strong preacher of the Gospel!  He preached on the Day of Pentecost and "That day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up." Acts 2:41 (Message)  Pastor Perkins used the example of GPS.  Many times the navigation system says go right and we go left.  It will then recalculate and give us new directions to get us back on track. We have to trust God, even when we can't trace God!

Love and prayers, Cynthia