Monday, October 6, 2014


Happy Sunday!

Bishop Alexis A. Thomas preached, "Look At All These Trees!"  He used Genesis 2:16-17 as his reference scriptures.

One of the most difficult assignments in this life is to live with, or to work around grumbling, fussing, and complaining people!  Proverbs 21:9 says, "It is better to live in a small corner on the roof than to share the house with a woman who is always arguing." (Easy-to-Read Version)  The children of Israel suffered in the wilderness because they were constantly murmuring, and complaining.  1 Corinthians 10:5 says, "But just experiencing God’s wonder and grace didn't seem to mean much—most of them were defeated by temptation during the hard times in the desert, and God was not pleased." (Message)

The reference scriptures Bishop used say, "God made certain demands of the man regarding life in the garden. God said, "Eat freely from any and all trees in the garden; I only require that you abstain from eating the fruit of one tree—the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Beware: the day you eat the fruit of this tree, you will certainly die." Genesis 2:16-17 (Voice)

Did you see that? God allowed them to eat of ANY and ALL the trees in the garden, except one!  But the enemy assisted them in focusing on that one tree and ignoring the vast number of other trees available to them!  He plays the same trick on us today!  He's convincing us to worry and complain about our bills, and problems instead of remembering all the times God has supported us, and provided for us.  He's tricking us into complaining about our spouse, instead of remembering how different single life was.  He's hood-winking us into complaining about our job, and our co-workers, while millions of Americans wish they had employment.  Adam and Eve fell for it, but we don't have to!  Jesus came and defeated the enemy and has given us power and authority! 

The Apostle Paul encouraged the Philippians to, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8 (King James Version)  He had more than enough justifiable reasons to complain, but he didn't do it!  He learned that being thankful and grateful to God for his unfailing love and blessings was the best way to live with joy!

Bishop encouraged us to step away from the "Complaint Window", and step over to the "Claim Window".  At the Claim Window, we can claim all the promises of God by faith!  Yes, things may look grim, but what has God promised?  Psalm 84:11 says, "He doesn't deny any good thing to those who live with integrity." (Voice)  Yes, the doctor says it's fatal, but what has God promised?  1 Peter 2:24 says, "By his wounds you were healed." (Easy-to-Read Version)  Yes, your month is longer than your money, but what has God promised?  Philippians 4:19 says,"And it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory because of what Christ Jesus has done for us." (Living Bible)  Yes, they treated you badly, but what has God promised?  Isaiah 54:17 says, "Weapons made to attack you won’t be successful; words spoken against you won’t hurt at all." (Common English Bible)

Look at all these trees!  Focus on the promises and not the problems!

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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