Sunday, January 11, 2015


Happy Sunday!

Dr. Bill Winston continued his series entitled, "The Supernatural Church".  It was definitely my type of message. Straight Bible teaching with more scriptures than I could ever quote in one Happy Sunday edition.  I had the pleasure of worshipping at Living Word Christian Center in Chicago, Illinois today.  My daughter, Crystal graduated from The Joseph School of Business and the graduation ceremony was held during the 11:30am service.

Crystal and I had just been discussing how we need to know the Word.  When hard times and trials come, the Word provides the strength and hope that is needed to survive and thrive.  Jesus said, "These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."  John 16:33 (King James Version)  If we don't know the Word, it's like taking a water pistol to a gun fight!  The devil doesn't care about you!  He hates you because you are loved by the Almighty God!

Pastor Winston mentioned that he has been listening to some bible lessons lately.  He has listened to them about fifteen times.  The Word say, "Faith comes by hearing", that exhortation actually means...hearing, and hearing, and hearing!  Years ago, there was a popular saying..."You are what you eat."  It's so true!  Spiritually, you are what you eat! The Word of God is meant to, Protect, Promote, Prosper, and Preserve us.  We need the supernatural to achieve our God given purpose.

Pastor Winston reminded us of the story in Luke 5.  Jesus needed a place to sit an preach.  He boarded Peter's ship and after teaching he told them to launch out and cast their nets.  They were professional fishermen.  They knew what they were doing in the natural.  Jesus was operating in the supernatural!  Jesus asked them to do something out of the ordinary.  They didn't believe anything would happen.  How do we know this?  The next scripture says, "their NET brake".  One net!  They had no faith in the Word of Jesus.  They weren't prepared for the possibility that something supernatural could happen when they chose to obey!  I saw a quote on Facebook this week that goes right along with this..."Anything you pray for, you need to prepare for."  DeVon Franklin

What are you eating?  What are you hearing?  What are you praying?  If what you prayed for came tomorrow, would you be ready?

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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