Monday, March 23, 2015


Happy Sunday!

If you know anything about me, you know I love the Word of God.  It's alive to me and daily I'm seeing more and more.  Lately, I been seeking God about why I have not seen more of his manifested blessings in my life: Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically, and Financially.  I will share with you later, but the Parable of the Sower has been a real blessing to me.  We all want to think that we are continually "Good Ground", but could it be we are sometimes stony, wayside,  or weed choked soil.  Mark 4:14 says, "The Sower sows the Word." (Amplified)  Immediately the enemy (birds) came to eat that Word, before the seeds had a chance to get down in the soil and germinate. Could it be that the enemy has stolen our seed?  That's for another day!  

Recently, a dear friend, Debra L. Flournoy-Selman posted the following on Facebook. It is profound and yet so simple.  The word says, "Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall." Proverbs 16:18 (Living Bible)  This made me think, and reevaluate a few things.  I pray that it blesses you as well.

MY NAME IS PRIDE... I am a cheater!!!.

I cheat you of your God-given destiny…
because you demand your own way.

I cheat you of contentment…
because you “deserve better than this.”

I cheat you of knowledge…
because you already know it all.

I cheat you of healing…
because you are too full of you to forgive.

I cheat you of holiness…
because you refuse to admit when you are wrong.

I cheat you of vision…
because you’d rather look in the mirror than out a window.

I cheat you of genuine friendship…
because nobody’s going to know the REAL you.

I cheat you of love…
because "real" romance demands "sacrifice".

I cheat you of greatness in heaven…
because you refuse to wash another’s feet on earth.

I cheat you of God’s glory…
because I convinced you to seek your own.

My name is Pride. I AM a CHEATER.

You like me because you think I’m always looking out for you.
Untrue. I’m looking to make a FOOL of you.
God has so much for you, I admit, but don’t worry…If you stick with me you’ll NEVER know.

Selah. Love and prayers, Cynthia

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