Sunday, September 13, 2015

Two Kinds of People...

Happy Sunday!

Dr. Bill Winston continued his series entitled "The Power of Love", with the subtitle, "Possessing Your Mountain". Today was also the beginning of our International Faith Conference.  Tonight's guest speaker was Bishop Tudor Bismark from Zimbabwe, Africa. I'm looking at my notes and asking myself where to begin. I will collect my thoughts and share them with you at a later date.  Today, I will share a post from Bob really blessed me today. Enjoy.  Have a wonderful week.  The International Faith Conference will be going on all this week and you can watch it live on DayStar and Bill Winston Ministries YouTube channel.

"Then God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth; and it was so." Genesis 1:11: (NKJV)

I have noticed a difference in two kinds of people. I am sure you have too. I am not talking about male and female, black and white, or educated and uneducated. Being a pastor and working with church staffs, I have noticed the difference between the organized, business type of person and the creative person. We need both. The business person is needed to keep the books, balance the budget, and post figures in the daily ledger. They usually arrive a few minutes early and have no problem working into lunch or after work to get the figures to balance. They love their work and take pride in doing a good job. On the other hand, there are the creative types. They head up the worship and music and work in the art department, laying out magazines and brochures needed for the church. They usually have to be prodded to come in on time and seem to live by a different set of rules. They usually “come alive” about 11:00 at night and go to bed sometime in the early hours of the morning. Their desire is to get up at the “crack of noon.” To the practical, business person, there is no need for the creative type. It also is true the other way around. The creative type has no room in their life for the business type. They think they are too boring. What does this have to do with our opening verse about grass, herbs and trees? God has made creation to be so diverse. Much of nature feeds us while also amazing us. Some trees are for producing fruit and others are primarily for beauty in the earth. God is not only practical; He is also creative! Many flowers give us medicines while others are for us to enjoy looking at. I know we need the air, the atmosphere so we can breathe, but why did God make it blue? God not only wanted the sky to be practical, He wanted it to be beautiful at the same time. Grass is necessary to feed animals and slow the flow of water, but it is also a beautiful green color. What a magnificent God we serve! So, make this a day to not only look at the practical parts of nature, make it a day to enjoy the beauty of a creative God. Enjoy your day! - Bob Yandian

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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