Sunday, June 5, 2016

Customer Service

Happy Sunday!

Sin stops the power of the Blessing!

Sure, you think you know this already.  Why would you need to hear this again?  The enemy is determined to keep you away from the Blessing God has lovingly provided for you.  What better way to keep you from the Blessing than to make you do and say things that hinder the Blessing in your own life.  Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, watch over your heart; diligently guard it because from a sincere and pure heart come the good and noble things of life."(Voice).  

I'm employed by a major technology company, and provide customer service and technical support.  Customer Service is not easy!  Many times, customers have refused to do their part, and blame the company for their present situation or misfortune.  They fail to read the terms and conditions of their contracts, and fail to take necessary precautions to protect their investment.  In our social society, these disgruntled customers will even go on social media to vent, and even lie about their experiences.  In a moment of contemplation, the Holy Spirit showed me the that we sometimes treat God like a customer service representative.  We want to get all the benefits, but want none of the responsibility.  We even take to social media and lie on God!  

OK, so you think I'm exaggerating? Really?  How many times have you seen a sad story about someone suffering from a horrible disease?  In response to their sickness, disease, and even death some religious person will say "God must have wanted to teach them something".  Sweetheart, God doesn't put sickness on any of his children!  That would be child abuse.  It would also be respect of persons. Romans 2:11 says, "For God treats everyone the same."(Living Bible).  If sickness is from God, why would anyone resist it?  In John 10:10, Jesus said, "The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness."(Living Bible).  Did you get that? The thief, the devil wants to steal from you! The thief  wants to kill you!  The thief wants to destroy you!  

I know what your are thinking! Deuteronomy 28:15 begins to list all the curses that will come on the people that decide not to listen and obey the commandments of God.  But each individual has the opportunity to choose.  We can obey and live in the Blessing, or disobey and open ourselves up to the curse.  My aunt, Pastor Theaha McClendon always says, "People are digging their own graves with a fork!"  I've been guilty, but I'm working on it.  How ludicrous would it be for me to blame God for my overeating and any subsequent health problems?  The Word says in Proverbs 23:2, "and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony."(NIV).  Sounds serious, doesn't it?  Well, you may say what about children? Children are suffering and dying as well.  Great question!  God gives parents the responsibility to stand for their children until they are old enough to stand for themselves.  In Mark 9:23-24, a father brought his son to the disciples to be healed.  They weren't able to heal the boy, so the father appealed to Jesus.  Jesus said unto him, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.  And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief".(KJV).  The father accepted responsibility for his son and used his faith to see his son healed.

The Word is full of promises.  You will never know what belongs to you if you don't read and study the Word.  Dr. Bill Winston continued the series, "Receiving Your Inheritance" with the subtitle, "Rising to the Top".  He said, "God not only guarantees a lifetime of prosperity, but he makes it generational prosperity!"  God intends to bless you so that you can be a blessing.  After you find the promise that applies to your situation, you have to stand in Faith!  Part of standing in Faith is saying what God says.  Saying what God says even when things don't seem to be changing is called walking by Faith!  2 Corinthians 5:7 says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."(KJV).

Walking in Faith, turning the plate and prayers, Cynthia

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