Sunday, January 1, 2017

What Is Your Purpose? By Barry Bennett

Happy New Year!

Praying you have a wonderful week, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!  Hope you enjoy this article from Barry Bennett.

What Is Your Purpose? By Barry Bennett

“I have appeared unto thee for this purpose.” (Acts 26:16)

I often speak of our purpose in life. I prefer the word “purpose” to the word “plan.” The idea that God has a plan for my life lends itself to a sovereignty/God is in control kind of thinking.

People who feel they have missed God’s plan must often deal with guilt and despair. If I missed Plan A, then I must settle for Plan B. What if I messed up and missed Plan B? Some of us might be on Plan L, M or N by now. That isn’t very comforting.

I prefer to speak of God’s purpose for our lives because a purpose is something born in you by the Spirit of God. It doesn’t change. It can sit idle for years or even decades, but once we plug in to true fellowship with God, our purpose springs to life. We can lose time due to our mistakes, but we will never lose our purpose.

I don’t believe that God is as concerned about where we are as who we are. It is the “who” that determines the “what” and “where” of our lives.
I am a teacher. That has been my purpose from the moment I was born again. However, I didn’t know this for many years. I was more concerned about where I should be ministering than I was about who I was in Christ. A teacher will teach no matter where they are. Who we are in Christ will adapt to the surroundings and circumstances. Our purpose will come to the surface sooner or later. I will teach in some form or fashion wherever I am. It is my purpose.

Yes, we can and should be led by the Spirit as to where we are and what we do, but sometimes I feel that we can get too mystical about this and lose sight of the real issue. Let your purpose shape your circumstances rather than looking for the perfect circumstances before you step into your purpose.

Our purpose will grow, develop and mature over time. The expression of that purpose today will be different from the way it is expressed in ten years. The more we choose to walk in our purpose now, the more clearly we can be led by God into His purpose for our future.


Love and prayers, Cynthia

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