Sunday, July 16, 2017

Run to Win

Happy Sunday!

It's been a great week, and a happy Sunday!  Today, my daughter Crystal ran in, and completed the Rock N Roll Half Marathon Chicago.  I volunteered at our Kingdom Running Club water station.  I'm a morning person, so getting out to the site by 5:15 am was no problem.  In the church, many times you would hear a preacher say that hearing other preachers made them want to preach.  I totally understand.  I am a teacher, and everywhere I go I have teachable moments, and I gain wisdom to share and use later.  I must say the running club leaders are amazing and the process was very organized.  We served Gatorade and water to thousands of runners. 

What did I learn?  So glad you asked!   We need each other.  Running is not my thing, I enjoy walking.  I go out to the lake and can do 6 or 7 miles of walking and enjoy it.  But runners enjoy running, and they are inspiring and energetic.  The runners needed fluids to stay hydrated.  Although I did see a man with a water bottle in every pocket, most runners were packing light.  It made me think of  Hebrews 12:1, "Since we have such a huge crowd of men of faith watching us from the grandstands, let us strip off anything that slows us down or holds us back, and especially those sins that wrap themselves so tightly around our feet and trip us up; and let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us."(Living Bible).  We need others to water our lives.  When we are kind, giving, and compassionate we are watering the lives of others.  Life can be hard.  There are days when you just want to stay in bed,  Those are the days when we need a good morning text, a sweet compliment, and an encouraging word.  

I also learned to finish what you start.  More than likely this was just a reminder to me, because I can guarantee I learned this from my mother.  We could not move from one task to another until the first task was complete.  Want to go out to play?  Finish your chores!  Want to go anywhere on a Sunday afternoon, get up and go to church first!   Want dessert?  Finish your vegetables!  LOL!  My Auntee Sophia has run many marathons as well.  I recall a conversation we had about what happens to the runners that have not finished by the time the race ends.  She sadly spoke of a bus or van picking those runners up to take them to the finish.  Those runners did not finish the race in the allotted time and did not get a medal.  Unlike children's sports team that give every participant a trophy, in this life you have to finish to get the prize.  The Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians, "You were running the race nobly. Who has interfered in (hindered and stopped you from) your heeding and following the Truth?"(Galatians 5:7, Amplified).  We must finish what we have started!  1 Corinthians 9:24-25 says, "You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally."(Message).

I make friends everywhere I go.  I met a wonderful lady today, that has been running with the Kingdom Running Club for years. She is a member of another local church in our area.  Her husband was traveling for business and just disappeared.  After days she received a call.  He was in a hospital in another state in grave condition.  She made it to him just before he died.  She was grieving when a friend reminded her of her love for running.  She joined the running club and rekindled her passion for running and has been healed.   You know my favorite poem, "Don't Quit" says, "Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about, When he might have won if he'd stuck it out. Don't give up, though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow."

Run to Win!

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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