Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Gift that keeps on Giving...

Happy Sunday!

Isaiah 9:6 says, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."(KJV).  This scripture is poetic, romantic, and prophetic.  It's loaded with so much meat you could feed thousands!  It speaks to God's eternal love and His desire to see us saved from destruction and whole.  God is in the details!  He never misses anything.  He's so concerned about you the Word says that even the hairs on your head are numbered.  Don't miss this!  They are not counted, they are numbered.(Matthew 10:30).  Scientists say there are at least 100,000 hair follicles on the average human head, and each follicle can grow at least 20 hairs over the lifetime.  God knows exactly which hair was yanked out when you detangled in the shower this morning.  

I enjoyed teaching the 10-12 year old students today in Children's Church.  It's always encouraging when they reveal that they are thinking, by asking thoughtful questions.  We got the chance to discuss Bible truths and expel some Christmas myths.  The Bible does not say their were "three kings" or "three wise men".  Brace yourself!  The bible says they brought three types of gifts, not that there were only three persons.  Matthew 2:11 says, "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh."(KJV).   It is my belief, that the wise men came in a caravan, with an army to secure the gifts that they were bringing.  They caught the attention of King Herod because of the grandeur.  They were bringing gifts fit for a king!  What would cause King Herod to be jealous enough to kill every male child from 2 years old and under?  Three little kings traveling all by themselves?  Think it through.  Beyonce and Jay Z don't even travel without an entourage!  While we are here on this scripture, the wise men "came into the house".  Not the manger.  Don't miss this!  The wise men followed a star.  When would they see the star?  Right, nighttime.  Especially, on clear nights.  It took about 2 years for them to make the journey from the East.  Jesus was a toddler by the time they arrived.  Mary and Joseph were forced to stay in the manger on that night because the inn was full, not because they didn't have any money.

The students are very alert.  One asked about why one gospel writer mentions more angel visitations and another does not.  Matthew 1:20 mentions only the angel appearing to Joseph, while Luke 1 mentions the angel appearing to Zacharias and to Mary, and Luke 2 mentions the angels telling the shepherds of the birth of Jesus.  Another student asked where Satan came from, and how did he get in the picture.  To say the least, it keeps us on our toes.  Ultimately, Jesus is the greatest gift we could ever receive.  He is the best gift ever given.  He is the example, and the Sinless Savior.  As with any gift, it must be received and accepted to be enjoyed.  We also discussed the fact that God does not send anyone to Hell.  Deuteronomy 30:19 says, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"(KJV).   John 14:6 says, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."(KJV).   God gave us the answer to the age old question...choose life...and Jesus is the life!  Anyone that spends eternity in Hell, does so because they refused Jesus.

Our key scripture was Luke 1:37, "For with God nothing shall be impossible."(KJV).    Go back and read that again.  Soak it in!  Whatever you may be facing, nothing, not one thing is impossible with God!  It was not impossible for God to give Mary a baby, and Elisabeth a baby in her old age, and it was not impossible for a star to lead the wise men to the house where Jesus lived, it was not impossible for the angel to warn Joseph to go to Egypt to spare the life of the child.  It is not impossible for your every need to be met, it is not impossible for God to give you the desires of your heart, and it's not impossible for you to live the Good Life.(Philippians 4:19; Psalm 37:4; John 10:10).

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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