Sunday, June 24, 2018

In Purpose, on Purpose

Happy Sunday!

2 Corinthians 5:8-9 Says, “So I say that we have confidence. And we really want to be away from this body and be at home with the Lord. Our only goal is to always please the Lord, whether we are living here in this body or there with him.”(Easy-to-Read Verizon)

My Aunt, Pastor Theaha McClendon transitioned from labor to reward last Monday.  The recurring theme this evening at the wake was how she encouraged, taught, and loved everyone she met. We mourn, and yet we rejoice because we are confident she is with the Lord.  

This excerpt from Ralph Marston also encourages us to live with purpose

Love and prayers, Cynthia


The Voice of Your Purpose
Actions are an absolute necessity for meaningful accomplishment. So are dreams. 
For if you cannot dream it, and envision it, you will not achieve it. When it tugs at your very soul, that is when you will make it happen. 
You are not an unthinking, unfeeling machine that can blindly serve just any agenda. Your effectiveness comes from your purposeful involvement with what you do. 
There is a reason why you feel everything you feel. Those feelings are the voice of your purpose. 
It is difficult and challenging to follow those dreams that flow from your purpose. Yet when the purpose is true, it will feel stronger than any challenge. 
Listen to the voice of your purpose. Dream and do, and give to life the unique value that is yours to create. 
-- Ralph Marston

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