Sunday, July 14, 2019


Happy Sunday!

1 Corinthians 14:6-12 says, "THINK, friends: If I come to you and all I do is pray privately to God in a way only he can understand, what are you going to get out of that? If I don’t address you plainly with some insight or truth or proclamation or teaching, what help am I to you? If musical instruments—flutes, say, or harps—aren’t played so that each note is distinct and in tune, how will anyone be able to catch the melody and enjoy the music? If the trumpet call can’t be distinguished, will anyone show up for the battle?  So if you speak in a way no one can UNDERSTAND, what’s the point of opening your mouth? There are many languages in the world and they all mean something to someone. But if I don’t understand the language, it’s not going to do me much good. It’s no different with you. Since you’re so eager to participate in what God is doing, why don’t you concentrate on doing what helps everyone in the church?"(Message).

Dr. Matthew L. Stevenson III preached about Relationships today.  I watched both services on Facebook, and I will definitely be watching them again.  In the 11 am service he used the scripture above.  He focused on "Understanding".  He even broke into song, and the congregation joined in with Xscape's song entitled, "Understanding".  So often in our relationships we assume the other person, or people know what we mean, and understand what we want.  Most of the time they do not know what we want, or need.  Dr. Stevenson said, "Language is specific to the type of person you are dealing with. There is a Life Language inside of you.  If people don't love you enough to learn your language, they end up doing a bunch of stuff that doesn't register with you".

I'm sure we can all relate.  Each of us thinks something different when we hear certain words.  If I say "Love" you understand love from your definition of the word.  Your definition is based on your life experiences.  Dr. Stevenson said, "I come to the table speaking "Me".  If I love you, I need to learn how to speak "You".   What if I say the word "Help".  In various situations, you may feel you have helped another person.  But what is their definition of help?  So many times we give people what we think we would want in the situation, this is not always accurate. 

Relationships take time.  Relationships are work.  BUT the benefit of putting in the work is the Blessing of healthy, happy, flourishing relationships.  In movies the main character may frequent a certain bar or restaurant.  When they arrive the bartender or maĆ®tre d' calls them by name, and already knows what they like, and what they generally order.  Perhaps,  its like this with you and your favorite place.  The staff has taken time to learn more about you.  They want you to know that you are valued, and your business is appreciated.  Our families, friends, church members, and co-workers deserve the same understanding.  I hate soggy bread!  Anyone that knows me well, knows why.  Its so refreshing when I'm with a person and we are discussing what to eat, and they comment, "But you don't like soggy bread".  I smile, they have learned my life language.

Love and prayers, Cynthia

P.S. - Just in case you forgot why I hate soggy bread.  My mother would buy the biggest turkey for Thanksgiving.  I always exaggerate and say it was 50 pounds.  Of course, there would be leftover turkey.  She would then make turkey sandwiches with Lawry's seasoning salt and mayonnaise, and freeze them in sandwich bags. Sandwich bags have come a long way over the years.  The kind we had didn't zip, they folded over. These frozen sandwiches would be put in our lunch bags.  By lunch time the sandwich would have thawed and the bread would be soggy.

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