Sunday, August 4, 2019

Worry is Always Future

Happy Sunday!

I hope your week was grand, and pray that this next week brings you pure joy!  I love to share messages from ministers that bless me.  The message is from Brother Bob Yandian.  I first heard Brother Bob in the 1990's.  A dear friend, Pat Smith shared a box of ministry cassette tapes with me.  Those tapes encouraged, strengthened, and exposed me to some of the greatest bible teachers past, and present. Of course in our technological world you don't have to rely on cassette tapes.  You have the privilege of YouTube, Podcasts, Blogs, and so many other ways of getting the Word.  I hope you enjoy this one.

Worry is Always Future by Brother Bob Yandian

"And the people thirsted there for water, and the people complained against Moses, and said, Why is it you have brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?"(Exodus 17:3, NKJV).

The children of Israel had only been in the wilderness a few days when they came to a place where there was no water to drink. They began to complain to Moses, blaming the situation on him. They also decided that they had God’s plan all figured out. God had brought them to this spot to kill them!

Let’s examine the stupidity of this argument. The Israelites had been in captivity for four hundred years in Egypt. Despite the oppression, their population continued to increase. When Moses returned to Egypt to deliver the children of Israel, God protected them from ten plagues and death while the Egyptians suffered, and many died. God parted the Red Sea for them to travel across safely and even drowned the Egyptian army behind them. And God did all this to bring them to this one spot and kill them?

You have probably done the same thing. You have looked at your bills, your lack of food in the cupboard, and your overdue mortgage bill and cried, “I’m going to die right here!” Stop and think about what you have just said. God saved you many years ago, filled you with His Holy Spirit, healed your body, performed miracles for you and your family many times, and supplied all of your needs on more than one occasion. Has God done all these wonderful things in your life to bring you to this spot and watch you die?

When facing a tragedy or trial, it is easy to lose sight of all of God’s blessings that have brought us to this point. Worry is always future. When you worry, you are saying that even though God has taken care of you every moment of every day, somehow tomorrow He will fail because His grace ran out today. But the truth is that the God Who has always taken care of you will not fail you tomorrow, next week, or next year. He will continue to walk with you and provide until Jesus comes.

David said, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread” (Psalm 37:25). Why wait until you are old to look at God’s faithfulness in hindsight? Look forward now in faith and expectancy knowing that God will continue to provide for you and will never fail.

Yours in Jesus Christ, 
Brother Bob Yandian

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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