Sunday, April 12, 2020

New Life

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:"(John 11:25, KJV).

I love this scripture!  Well, you know I love lots of scriptures.  Anyway, the story around this scripture is amazing.  Jesus had friends, and he enjoyed spending time with them.  His good friend Lazarus had just died.  When Jesus arrived the man's sister Martha came out to speak with him.  She spoke in faith.  She knew that if Jesus had been there her brother would not have died.  She also said, "But I know that even now God will give you ANYTHING you ask."(John 11:22, Easy-to-Read Version).  Don't miss this!  Even though her brother was graveyard dead, and probably decomposing as she spoke...she believed that "with God all things are possible."(Matthew 19:26, KJV).

I had the pleasure of speaking to my Auntee, Sophia Brooks this week.  So good to hear her voice.  She always encourages me.  She mentioned grief.  I hadn't considered that we are grieving the loss of our routine, our patterns, and our way of life.  My company says, "Change Energizes Us".  But really change frightens us, stretches us, and challenges us.  But we can't give up, and we can't give in to fear.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Life is what you make it".  During this time we are forced to look for new ways to thrive and make life good.  My sister, Jacque Woods has been using the time to complete home improvement and creative projects.  My daughter, Crystal has been sewing her Summer fashions.  My Best Friend, Gina Ferrell worked with her Pastors, Carlos Brown Sr, and Zorina Brown to sew face masks and make care packages for the disadvantaged in their community.  What are you doing?  Can't think of anything?  Pray.  Read. Encourage others.

Jesus called Lazarus forth from the grave.  He was alive again!  He had another chance at this thing we call life.  Each day we have another chance at life.  Being resurrected from our sleep is nothing less than miraculous!  What will you do today to change your tomorrow? Breathe new life into your business, breathe new life into your talents, breathe new life into your family.

Love and prayers,  Cynthia

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