Sunday, January 3, 2021

New Year

Happy New Year!

It's 2021, and you made it! 

2020 is over! No matter how bad it may have looked, how bad the media portrayed it, or how bad it may have actually been, you made it!  Praise God for bringing us through!  I'm hearing many testimonies of great things that have happened to the people of God in 2020! Promotions, weddings, new adventures, and so much more!  I for one was delivered from a 2.5 hour commute.  That was both ways, so almost 5 hours a day spent in transit.  Getting home was faster many times so that's why I say almost 5 hours.  We are permanently working from home, still have a great job, with awesome benefits.  I'm forever grateful.

Job 36:11 says, "If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures."(KJV).  The Word is amazing, and it stands forever.  It never changes.  Even if the whole world is in chaos, God's Word can be trusted and relied on.  The Message Translation gives us much more insight into this scripture. It says, "“It’s true that God is all-powerful, but he doesn’t bully innocent people. For the wicked, though, it’s a different story—he doesn’t give them the time of day, but champions the rights of their victims. He never takes his eyes off the righteous; he honors them lavishly, promotes them endlessly. When things go badly, when affliction and suffering descend, God tells them where they’ve gone wrong, shows them how their pride has caused their trouble. He forces them to heed his warning, tells them they must repent of their bad life. If they obey and serve him, they’ll have a good, long life on easy street."(Job 36:5-11).

We still have unanswered questions about 2020, and we may even be asking God, "Why did all this happen?"  I heard Gloria Copeland telling a story that puts this into perspective.  Her husband loves to go to cafeterias.  While she prefers sit down restaurants where servers bring everything to you. She laughed and said, "He loves his entree on his own tray!"  She says when he asked where she wanted to eat she would always say she didn't care, or it didn't matter.  But  when they arrived at the cafeteria, she would have an attitude.  Her husband would say, "If you didn't want to come here, why didn't you say something!" 

It's the same thing with prayer, and with life.  Jesus is likely going to say, "Why didn't you say something!"  Mark 11:23-24 says, "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he SAITH shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."(KJV).  You have to speak the Word. No matter how bad it looks or feels!  You can determine the outcome by what you say.  You are a creative spirit, and your words have power.  Speak Life.

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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