Sunday, March 20, 2022

Better Covenant

 Happy Sunday!

"O my soul, bless God.    From head to toe, I’ll bless his holy name!O my soul, bless God,    don’t forget a single blessing!He forgives your sins—every one.    He heals your diseases—every one.    He redeems you from hell—saves your life!    He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.    He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.    He renews your youth—you’re always young in his presence.God makes everything come out right;    he puts victims back on their feet."(Psalm 103:3-6 Message)Don't miss this!  The Psalmist said, "God makes everything come out right!"  No matter what we experience we can expect the best when we are in covenant with God Almighty!  I know that encourages me, and hope it encourages you too.  There are so many blessings and benefits when we serve and worship God.  The writer of Hebrews said, "But the work that has been given to Jesus is much greater than the work that was given to those priests. In the same way, the new agreement that Jesus brought from God to his people is much greater than the old one. And the new agreement is based on better promises."(Hebrews 8:6 Easy-to-Read Version).If you've ever read the promises throughout the Old Testament it's hard to imagine even better promises have been offered to us.  It's amazing!  Bro. Kenneth E. Hagin often commented about people asking him to pray for them.  He'd always ask the person, "What scripture are you standing on?"  So many times the people would say that they didn't have a scripture they were standing on or believing.  He would them tell them, "I'm not gonna pray for you!"  Sounds harsh, but if you ask me to pray for you you must have a desired outcome, or an expectation.  How would we ever know that the prayer had been answered if we weren't specific on what we are "touching and agreeing on".(Matthew 18:19). Don't waste time and effort.  Find a promise in the Word, and stand on it.Believe the Word, and enjoy the benefits.Love and prayers, Cynthia

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