Sunday, June 18, 2023


Happy Sunday!

Happy Father's Day!

 "Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]."(Ephesians 5:1 Amplified).

Multiplied millions of dollars have been made by toy manufacturers simply because children love to imitate their parents.  Who didn't dream of driving your own car, tractor, or baby buggy?  Who didn't pretend a big stick was a gun, or sword, or garden tool?  Maybe you dreamed of a typewriter or going to an office like your dad.  I still love to see big red dump trucks because that's what I remember seeing in my father's workplace. Well loved children want to be what they see.  Who can love us better than our Father God?  No one.  Romans 5:8 says, "But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful."(CEV).  Don't miss this!  God doesn't wait until we have it all together.  He loves us, and paid the ultimate price for our freedom, even if we decide not to accept it.When we decide to accept the gift of salvation, there should be some evidence.  For many years, Dr. Fred Price Sr. started his television broadcast with a song written by Larnelle Harris called "Evidence".  The lyrics are, "Evidence, evidenceDoes your life show enough evidenceEvidence, evidenceWould they put you away, listen to me nowEvidence, evidenceDo you live enough evidenceEvidence, evidenceWhat does your life say?"Sadly, many Christians live camouflage lives blending in with the world.  Jesus told a parable about the evil one sowing tares among the wheat.  The workers wanted to pull the tares out immediately. But the owner said, "‘No,’ he returned, ‘if you pull up the weeds now, you would pull up the wheat with them. Let them both grow together till the harvest. And at harvest-time I shall tell the reapers, ‘Collect all the weeds first and tie them up in bundles ready to burn, but collect the wheat and store it in my barn.’”(Matthew 13:29-30 Phillips).In honor of our Heavenly Father, let's imitate Him.  Let's purpose in our hearts to represent Him to the world.  Daniel was said to have an "excellent spirit", and he was 10 times better than his counterparts.(Daniel 5:12).  We're talking about him thousands of years later, so he definitely had evidence.Love and prayers, Cynthia

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