Sunday, February 14, 2010

Find Where You Are Assigned

Happy Sunday!  
Happy Valentine's Day too!  Hope you had a wonderful week and an enjoyable Sunday!
Bishop Alexis Thomas is still encouraging the congregation about being, "Chosen".  He went a bit further today and entitled the message, "Find Where You Are Assigned".  He used John 15:16, Ephesians 2:10, and added Phillipians 2:12-17.
Now before you get bored and skip to your next e-mail, let me tell you about it!
You are chosen no matter what "they" may say.  You know who they are don't you?  They are the haters, sometimes family, friends, and many times enemies.  They can't define you so they undermine you. Bishop says and I quote, "When people can't identify the origin of your success, they try to minimize your success!"  Even the devil tried to minimize the work Jesus was doing.  Jesus went throughout Jerusalem and Samaria, healing the sick, casting out demons, feeding the hungry. And what did the religious leaders say?  Mark 3:22 (New Living Translation) But the teachers of religious law who had arrived from Jerusalem said, “He’s possessed by Satan, the prince of demons. That’s where he gets the power to cast out demons.”
Bishop explained that we were, "Formed in creative uniqueness, and birthed into situational sameness".  Did you get that? We are all unique.  God created us in his image, but we aren't the same.  But we all were birthed into situations that are similar.  Yes, there are others in the world who have experienced situations that are familiar to you.  There are others who have lost loved ones, there are others who have lost jobs and homes, there are others that have experienced broken hearts, broken dreams and even the occasional broken limb. As the song writer said, " I been lied on, cheated, talked about and mistreated".  And so have so many others.  Our situations are similar by we are unique.
Knowing you are chosen allows you to realize that you are chosen for a reason.  You are chosen for an assignment.  What is it that GOD created you to do?  My former pastor, Pastor Randy Morrison of Speak the Word Church International in Golden Valley Minnesota once said, " The purpose for your life is in the problem you can solve".  Maybe you don't know what GOD has chosen and assigned for you to do. Whatever that assignment is, it involves the problem you can solve.  This is Black History Month.  SO many times we don't acknowledge the problems that African-Americans solved.  Did you know that all these inventions and more, were answers to problems?

Some Inventions Made by Black People

·         air conditioning unit: Frederick M. Jones; July 12, 1949
·         almanac: Benjamin Banneker; Approx 1791
·         auto cut-off switch: Granville T. Woods; January 1,1839
·         auto fishing devise: G. Cook; May 30, 1899
·         automatic gear shift: Richard Spikes; February 28, 1932
·         baby buggy: W.H. Richardson; June 18, 1899
·         bicycle frame: L.R. Johnson; Octber 10, 1899
·         biscuit cutter: A.P. Ashbourne; November 30, 1875
·         blood plasma bag: Charles Drew; Approx. 1945
·         cellular phone: Henry T. Sampson; July 6, 1971
·         chamber commode: T. Elkins; January 3, 1897
·         clothes dryer: G. T. Sampson; June 6, 1862
·         curtain rod: S. R. Scratton; November 30, 1889
·         curtain rod support: William S. Grant; August 4, 1896
·         door knob: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
·         door stop: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
·         dust pan: Lawrence P. Ray; August 3, 1897
·         egg beater: Willie Johnson; February 5, 1884
·         electric lampbulb: Lewis Latimer; March 21, 1882
·         elevator: Alexander Miles; October 11, 1867
·         eye protector: P. Johnson; November 2, 1880
·         fire escape ladder: J. W. Winters; May 7, 1878
·         fire extinguisher: T. Marshall; October 26, 1872
·         folding bed: L. C. Bailey; July 18, 1899
You can Google it for yourself.  And while you do that, think about what problem you can solve.  What have you been chosen and assigned to do.  I don't know all of my assignment yet, but I'm doing what I can do.  I try to encourage others.  I want others to know that they are special, they are loved, and they can make it!
 Have an awesome week!  Love Cynthia

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