Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chosen 1

Happy Sunday!

Hope you have enjoyed a wonderful day!

It's a beautiful sunny day here in the Phoenix area.  Not trying to rub it in, for my family and friends in colder climates, just making a statement!  It's a beautiful day.  As the deacons used to say in the Baptist Church, " It's a day that's been coming since the foundation of the world, a day we ain't never seen before and we won't ever see again".  Today is a special gift from a special GOD to his special person!  That's YOU!!!

I attended "Bedside Baptist" this morning! LOL!  I watched Joel Osteen, he always encourages me.  Then I left "Bedside Baptist" and went to Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Phoenix.  Bishop Alexis Thomas continued his series on "Chosen".  It's like eating your favorite food, it's hard to get tired of it.  Two points from his message, I'd like to share with you...

Knowing you are chosen eliminates the possibility of ever being unchosen.  Maybe it's just me but I have terrible flashbacks about choosing teams in gym class. In elementary school at Pierremont Elementary in Manchester, MO, I was the only black girl.  I was chosen last, not only because I was black, but because I am not good at sports.  Dodge ball, picked last, softball, picked last, even at tetherball, picked last. LOL! I always feared being chosen.  I was afraid that I'd make some horrible mistake and my team would lose. That's what happens when we are chosen based on our performance.  We will never be good enough, but GOD chooses to use us as we are! So even if the team never chooses you, GOD chose you!  He created you just the way you are!  He has a purpose and a plan for your life! Chosen doesn't make me miraculously the next Serena Williams, but it helps me to accept me for me.  The rapper, Rocko exclaimed,"Umma Do Me".  If we spend more time accentuating the positives about ourselves, the opinions of the "haters" in this life won't matter so much.

Knowing you are chosen eliminates a disease called, "comparisonitis".   Yes, Bishop is creating new words, but I bet you understand what he's saying.  When you know that your selection was based on love, grace, and mercy you don't have to compare yourself to anyone else.  You are a one of a kind, an original!  The Poet John Newton wrote, Amazing Grace.  Three stanzas that don't get as much attention are as follows;

The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.

Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who called me here below,
Will be forever mine.

Enough said!  Love Cynthia

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