Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Power Of Imagination

Happy Sunday!
WOW!  What a week!  We celebrated in the "Fresh Rain" conference.  I was able to attend Thursday and Friday night.  Bishop Michael Pitts from Toledo, Ohio was the speaker Thursday night.  He preached, "It's All Coming into Alignment!" using 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 for his text.  He went from Genesis and beyond Revelation showing us that when a we align ourselves with GOD, all of creation responds because "creation has a special relationship with the Creator".  It was rich.  I was encouraged by all of it but if I had to share one point with you it's this:  YOU CANNOT DESIRE A NOTHING, WHAT YOU DESIRE EXISTS SOMEWHERE!  Did you hear that! Think about it! When Adam saw that every creature had a mate, and he desired a mate, there was no mate for him.  GOD created Eve out of Adam's desire for a mate.  I know, I know, it's deep...but work with me now!  If you desire a job, even though the CNN news report says there are no jobs, your job exists somewhere!  Even if GOD has to create a job for you!  I'm a living witness...I could not find a full-time job in Texas, I came to Arizona, two weeks later I was offered the position I now hold.  During training the staffing specialist told us that the company had no intention of hiring another group.  But, she suggested it, management agreed, and I was hired in that last group hired in 2009!  Are you shouting yet?  If you desire something, it exists somewhere.  Align yourself with GOD...he can create it for you!
Friday night, the speaker was Bishop Rudolf McKissick from Jacksonville, Florida.  His message was entitled, "The Power Of Imagination".  He used 2 Kings 7: 3-10, a familiar and favorite scripture text.  You know the story, four lepers are sitting outside the city. The whole city is experiencing a famine.  They said to one another, "What are we doing sitting here at death's door? If we enter the famine-struck city we'll die; if we stay here we'll die. So let's take our chances in the camp of Aram and throw ourselves on their mercy. If they receive us we'll live, if they kill us we'll die. We've got nothing to lose." (Message Translation)  When they got to the enemy's camp, GOD had already scared the enemy off!  They ate and drank and put on new clothes and shoes, then they thought...Finally they said to one another, "We shouldn't be doing this! This is a day of good news and we're making it into a private party! If we wait around until morning we'll get caught and punished. Come on! Let's go tell the news to the king's palace!"(Message Translation)  Hey, wait a minute!  Wasn't it the King that had the lepers put out?  Yes, the were blessed and were mature enough to share that blessing with the very people that ostracized, criticized, and humiliated them!  WOW, I'm not there yet but I'm on my way!  The lepers issue was open to public display, they couldn't hide their struggle,  they were defined by their condition.  read it for yourself!  They had to cry out when others came near and let them know they were lepers.  They were doomed to live on the outside.  But when they were blessed, they considered others.  Another point Bishop McKissick brought out, "YOUR MOVE OF FAITH WILL INITIATE GOD'S MOVE".  When did the enemy hear the noises?  I believe they heard the noises the minute those four lepers started moving!  What is your next move?  What are you waiting for?
Finally, today Bishop Thomas told us, our CHOSEN-NESS can't rest in who we know, what we look like, who our parents are, how much money we have in the bank.  Our CHOSEN-NESS has to rest in GOD, who is the same yesterday, today and forever...Hebrews 13:8.  
I'm so excited!  It's going to be a wonderful week!  Have a great week!  Love, Cynthia
P.S. - Thanks to all my family and friends that let me know how "Happy Sunday" touches them.  I thank GOD that I can share it with you.  Feel free to forward it to others!

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