Sunday, April 11, 2010

Passing God

Happy Sunday!

We are enjoying a beautiful sunny day!  Hope you are too!

We had a wonderful worship service today, but I’d like to share a little excerpt from Bishop’s Bible Study on Wednesday evening.

Bishop mentioned the new hit television show, “Undercover Boss”. If you haven’t seen it, you should Google it.  During each episode the CEO or COO of a major corporation goes undercover within their own business.  They learn what their employees deal with on a daily basis. They see their business from a different vantage point.  They meet excellent employees and a few have been surprised to meet employees and managers that don’t represent the company very well.

JESUS was the greatest undercover boss!  Philippians 2:5 says…

He was GOD in the flesh.  But he didn’t come to make a name for himself.  He didn’t require a huge entourage.  He had twelve random guys from the hood.  He didn’t have the latest SUV to travel in, he walked.  On one occasion he did borrow a colt to ride on.  He didn’t even introduce himself to the masses.  John the Baptist had to call him out of the crowd.  He was humble enough to wash the feet of his disciples.  He was the undercover boss.  And he still is!  What will he find when he comes to your workplace, your home, your church?  Will he find you working during work hours?  Will he find you coming back late from lunch?  Will he find you treating others kindly? What will he find you doing?

Bishop said, “We often pass by GOD on our way to GOD”.  We can get so busy we don’t even notice the people around us.  Jesus once told a story about helping others.  They disciples asked, when did we see you hungry, naked, in prison…Jesus answered when you do it to the least of these you have done it to me.

Have a wonderful week! Love Cynthia

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