Sunday, April 4, 2010

Show Me Your Scars

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

We celebrated Resurrection Sunday at the Dodge Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona.  It was an awesome and encouraging worship experience!  I’m sure if you attended a worship service today in your area, it was just as exciting!

Bishop Alexis A. Thomas preached, “Show Me Your Scars”.  He used John 20:24-27.  In a nutshell, Jesus arose.  All of the disciples except Thomas had seen him and believed that the resurrection really occurred.  Thomas however proclaimed that he would not believe it unless he had proof.  Thomas must have been from Missouri, the “Show Me State”. LOL.  He’d witnessed the crucifixion; he’d seen how Jesus was brutally beaten and pierced.  He saw the nails that were driven in his hands and feet.  He knew that without Divine Intervention it was impossible for Jesus to be alive.  He would have to see Jesus alive for himself.  When they came together again, Jesus appeared.  Jesus knew exactly what it would take to convince Thomas.  Jesus didn’t criticize Thomas for asking, “Why?”   And he won’t criticize you for asking, “Why?”

What does this have to do with you and me?  Well, so many times we cover our scars.  We have been delivered from addiction, poverty, depression, loneliness, and despair.  But we cover it up.  We don’t share our testimony with others.  Jesus didn’t save us just to look pretty at church on Easter.  He saved us because there are other people experiencing the same hardships that we’ve been delivered from.  There are other married couples struggling through issues that you and your spouse have mastered.  There are single mothers who struggled to pay the rent and bills and still get little Johnny and Susie an Easter Basket.  There are professionals that are climbing the same ladder you already climbed, and banging their head against that glass ceiling.  They could use a word from you.  There are college students that could use some encouragement.  You can tell them that it does get better and they will graduate.  There are senior citizens who would love to hear from you.  Jesus needs you to show those scars.  He’ll put the right people in your path.  You just have to be willing to uncover those scars.  You have to show others that Jesus is real!  He has blessed you and he can bless them.

Love and prayers for a beautiful week.  Cynthia

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