Sunday, March 10, 2013

You Have It Already!

Happy Sunday!
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Praying that you have a happy and prosperous week.
This excerpt really blessed me and I want to share it with you.
You Have It Already

William Randolph Hearst, the great publisher, read about a painting and became greatly interested in it. Desperately desiring to own this painting, he sent his people all over to try to locate this painting but they couldn’t find it anywhere.

A year later, out of the blue, one of his employees came to him and told him that the painting had at last been found. Hearst, excited about the discovery, asked where it had been all this time. His employee said, “It was in your basement. You’ve owned it all the time.”

Mr. Hearst had never read the ledger that had a record of everything he owned. He did not understand the wealth that he already possessed. Many believers operate their lives never fully understanding all of the blessing that is available to them in Christ.

For His Kingdom,

Tony Evans

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