Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ask God...

You've probably seen it in your own city or town, two, three, maybe even four churches in a block. Yesterday, I even saw two separate store front churches next door to each other. I wondered, "Did God really tell them to start this church? Did God really call this person into ministry?" Well, it is very possible that he did! Think about Moses, God called him and used him but he disobeyed and failed to speak to the rock and in anger hit the rock. (Numbers 20:8-12) You know the story, he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land because of this error. Hearing God, obeying God, and discerning if what your heard was really God can be the difference between life and death: the death of your dream, the death of your ministry, and the death of your physical being. Think about it!

Inquire of God...

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