Sunday, November 1, 2015

King Sized

Happy Sunday!

What a week!  I was almost ready to start singing, "Nobody knows...the trouble I've seen".  But I remembered that we walk by Faith and not by sight! 2 Corinthians 5:7 in the Living Bible translation says it this way, "We know these things are true by believing, not by seeing."  Then I got to church this morning, and Dr. Winston encouraged us with a powerful Word!

Faith is our currency!  Even if the only thing in your wallet today is a piece of lint, God's Word is still true!  He has already done all he is going to do.  When Jesus died, he said it was finished.  He did not say, "I'll be back next week to bless you."  He as already given us everything that we need to live a godly life. Where is it then? Good question!

Dr. Winston reminded us of the widow in 2 Kings 4.  Her husband died and left her with massive debt.  The debts were so great her sons were going to be forced into slavery to pay off the debt. This scripture is so full of interesting points.  Her husband was a believer, but he hadn't applied the Word to his life. There was no excuse for him to be ignorant! He was training under the Prophet Elisha!  You remember Elisha don't you? The one that got a double portion of the anointing, and power that had been on his mentor Elijah!  He was in the right place but missed some important points. He was in debt. Proverbs 22:7 says, "The rich lord it over the poor, and the borrower is the slave to the lender."(Voice)   Now, there is no reason to feel condemned! We can start today to change the situation for the future. With the supernatural help of God your debts can be canceled by the end of the week! The man was religious, but not good! Proverbs 13:22 describes a good man,"When a good man dies, he leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren; but when a sinner dies, his wealth is stored up for the godly." (Living Bible)  The Word of God is clear and concise.  

OK, so the prophet asked the widow what she had in the house.  She had a pot of oil!  No money, but a pot full of potential! That little bit of oil mixed with the invisible supply of God, paid her debts in full and allowed her to keep her sons safe at home.

We are still in the series entitled, "The Power of Love".  Believing that God loves you, and receiving that love is imperative!  God is the King, and he loves and gives like a king!  In Matthew 2, the wise men from the East arrived with gifts fit for a king.  Don't be fooled by the Christmas cards, and carols that say it was just three individuals.  These kings came with a caravan of gifts for the King of the Jews.  If you don't believe me, read it for yourself.  If they brought three little gifts, how did they capture the attention of King Herod?  Why did King Herod kill all the baby boys from 2 years old and under, if there was no visible threat to his kingdom? Dr. Winston mentioned, Peter J. Daniels, a Christian billionaire. He commissioned a team of historians to research the magi and the gifts which they brought to Jesus. They determined it was that more than 300 kings with a calculated wealth of over $4 million.  Persian documents showed that the gift was escorted by an army. That would explain why King Herod and the people were worried, they thought it was an invading army.

You are a child of the KING! Let that sink into your thick scull!  In this kingdom, you don't have to achieve to receive. You must believe!  Believe what? Glad you asked!  You must believe that no matter what happens, no matter what you see with your physical eyes or feel in your physical body, God's Word is true!  You can't take a little of God, and a little of what the world says and make it in this kingdom.  Faith demands that God be your only source! Faith is acting on the Word of God. God says to you everyday, "I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you." Jeremiah 31:3 (Amplified)

Enjoying King sized love and blessings, love and prayers, Cynthia

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