Sunday, November 29, 2015


Happy Sunday!

Proverbs 3:1-4 says, "My son, never forget the things I’ve taught you. If you want a long and satisfying life, closely follow my instructions. Never tire of loyalty and kindness. Hold these virtues tightly. Write them deep within your heart."(Living Bible) This proverb is overflowing with valuable instructions necessary for a good life. You probably already know this passage by heart. It's like the precious words of a loved one. I constantly hear things in my head, and heart that my mother, and grandmother used to say. Remembering is not enough! The only way these proverbs and words of wisdom will benefit us is to apply them or as the next verse in this chapter says, "acknowledge" them.

Dr. Bill Winston talked about the duties of an air traffic controller.  The air traffic controller has tools that allow him to see the big picture.  The pilot receives clearance and instructions from the air traffic controller. The pilot must trust the air traffic controller. The pilot may hear the instructions and fully intend to obey. But he must acknowledge that he has heard and will comply. If the pilot fails to respond and obey, the consequences could be deadly. Proverbs 3:5-7 says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil." (KJV)

Acknowledge means, to accept or admit the existence or truth of.  When was the last time you acknowledged the Lord?  When was the last time you accepted His Word as truth?  When was the last time you considered that the way you are doing things may not be right? When was the last time you reverenced the Lord? Hopefully, you are admitting the existence and truth of God daily. If you do, there are tremendous blessings available! Verse 1 promises a long satisfying life, verse 4 promises favor with God and with men,  and verse 6 promises clear direction for your life.

Verse 8 of this chapter says, "It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones."(KJV)  Another translation says, "Then your body will be healthy and your bones strengthened."(Common English Version)  Did you get that? Do you truly trust God? Do you realize that when you acknowledge Him health and strength are guaranteed? Verse 10 says, "So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine."(KJV)  In Hebrew the word "acam" is translated "barns" and it means storehouses. The Hebrew word "mala" is translated filled and it means a steady flow.  In Hebrew the word "saba" is translated "plenty" and it means abundance, luxury, and inexhaustible supply.  Isn't that wonderful? Acknowledge God, admit that he is right and your storehouses will have a steady flow of abundance, luxury, and an inexhaustible supply!  As my little sister, Zorina Ann Brown always says, "That's what I'm talking about!"  That's the kind of blessing I want, and I plan to have.

Last but not least, verse 10 ends with, "thy presses shall burst out with new wine."  Wine represents joy! I was reading in Psalms this week.  I may have started in Psalm 103, but happened to run up on Psalm 104:15.  It says, "You give us the wine that makes us happy, the oil that makes our skin soft, and the food that makes us strong."(Easy-to-Read Version)  I had to smile!  God thinks of everything!  He wants you to be joyful!  He cares about your well-being!

Acknowledging Him, love and prayers, Cynthia

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