Sunday, April 2, 2017


Happy Sunday!

Have you ever had a day when you really needed a "do over"?  Today was one of those days!  After years of vowing not to volunteer or work in a church ministry, I agreed to work in our church Children's Ministry.  I know you are wondering why I of all people would make a vow such as this.  That's a great question considering my mother taught me how to teach a Sunday School lesson using the flannel graph board at 5 years old!  And considering I have held every position that exists in the helps ministry...even bathroom cleaning.  An even bigger shock is after I left Texas, I wasn't even planning to ever go back to church, let alone work in a ministry.  But thankfully, the Holy Spirit has been working with me and on me!  Simple answer is...offense.  If anyone has been offended in the church, it's me!  Jesus said one thing is impossible.  Yes, there is one thing that is impossible. It's impossible NOT to have an opportunity to be offended!  Luke 17:1 says, "Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!"(KJV).   Another translation says, "Jesus said to his disciples, “Things that cause people to trip and fall into sin must happen, but how terrible it is for the person through whom they happen."(Common English Bible).  

So what happened?  I know you are anxiously waiting to hear.  People are human!  People are shaped by their upbringing, learning styles, and life experiences. They really are doing the best that they can.  I want to start a campaign for "Adult Time Outs".  I will be the first to take a time out. Time out to give people the benefit of the doubt, time out to step back and as my daughter, Christina always says out loud, "I forgive her, or him, or them!"  Time out to remember it's not all about me...although some attacks may very well be about your destiny.  But the thing the enemy is really after is your Faith, and your Christian witness.  The enemy wants to stop the will of God in your life, your church, and our world.  What better way than to discourage the volunteers.  Now don't worry, I didn't go off...but I was reconsidering this decision and wondering if I really want to do this.  I need a do-over because I allowed the enemy to get to me!  I was ready to cry and went straight to bed when I got home!  If you know me, you know I'm no wimp.  Perhaps, I'm hormonally imbalanced.  LOL!  But I allowed my focus to be drawn away from the real reason we do ministry.  There are people dying daily without the Word we sometimes take for granted.  People need to know the love of God.  They need to know that we do get do-overs everyday!  Lamentations 3:21-23 says, "This I recall to my mind, therefore have I HOPE.  It is of the Lord's MERCIES that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are NEW every morning: great is thy faithfulness."(KJV).  

The requirement is to work one service, two Sundays out of the month!  I can handle this!  I have forgiven everyone involved, and asked for forgiveness from my daughter, Crystal...she listened to me recounting it all.  She's a great listener and simply said, "You need to decide if this is something you really want to do!"  She didn't lead me on with false hope that anyone else will EVER change, but she did encourage me to be honest with myself.  After recounting the events of the day, the enemy went to work on me!  He wanted me to feel bad about feeling bad.  I immediately thought about Peter.  He denied Jesus three times.  Matthew 26:75 says, "And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly."(KJV).  Peter was human...he missed it...but Jesus didn't give up on him!   In Mark 16:7, the angel told the women, "Now go and tell his followers. And be sure to tell Peter. Tell them, ‘Jesus is going into Galilee and will be there before you come. You will see him there, as he told you before."(Easy-to-Read Version).

I can understand and sympathize with those who decide to avoid new experiences and new relationships. Anytime you are dealing with other human beings there will be opportunities for misunderstandings.  I think it's why so many people would rather have pets than friends.  Your dog will never tell you to get a grip!  Your cat will never tell you to lay off that Mocha Fudge Ice Cream.  The sermon was great!  Dr. Bill Winston is preaching a series entitled, "Christ in You", the subtitle today was "Restoring the Years".  I plan to get everything the enemy has stolen from me over the years I spent in unforgiveness!  I refuse to spend any more time in this wilderness...I'm heading into my Promised Land!

Thanks for listening, and praying for me!

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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