Sunday, April 30, 2017


Happy Sunday!

I was prepared to go to church today for the 11:15 a.m. service.  I was supposed to receive my certificate of completion for the recent Intercessory Prayer Training Class!  My daughter, Christina was watching the streaming church service from Japan.  She sent me a text asking why I wasn't up on the stage!  LOL!  I had a last minute change, and ended up enjoying quality time with my son, Terrence and my grandson, Tyler and his mom, Tiera.  Tyler is 11 years old and playing AAU Basketball!  Why the games are on Sunday?  Only God knows.  I was amazed at what parents sacrifice for their children, but not surprised.  I imagine you know me by now, and you know that there is always a song lyric to describe what I'm going through.  I immediately thought of the song by Wiliam Bell, "Tryin' to Love Two".  Now before you judge me, let me say, I would change the lyrics a bit to fit AAU parents. I never condone cheating at anything or on anyone. Blame my mother, this was a Saturday cleaning favorite of hers.

Anyway, this my AAU rendition...

I need to be three parents in one
To get my jobs done
I need a thirty hour day
Two jobs with double pay

I need a parent to go to work
A parent to stay at home
I need a parent at the practices
To keep my children strong

I salute parents everywhere.  I know it's not easy.  Most parents want the best for their children, and are doing the best they can!  Our Heavenly Father wants the best for us as well!  He sits in the grandstand and cheers us on!  He loves us when we make the shot, and he comforts us when we miss it.  He's not as stuffy and rigid as some may think.  I hope you enjoy this excerpt from Barry Bennett.  Have a wonderful week!


The heir, as long as he is a child, differs nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all. (Gal. 4:1).

Redemption has recreated us, transformed us and translated us! We are a new creation seated with Him in heavenly places. We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ! We are heirs of the kingdom, heirs of salvation, heirs according to the promise and heirs of the grace of life!

Even the most recent believer is an heir. However, it is possible to be an heir and not have a clue about being ‘lord of all.’ We must grow in the grace of God and learn how to live in the Kingdom. “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby.” (1 Pet. 2:2).

Telling a babe that he is an heir doesn’t have much meaning. A newborn prince will one day be king, but right now he is a baby just like every other baby in the kingdom. His future is SETTLED but his present is ordinary. He needs to grow. He needs to learn and be educated in the workings of his kingdom.

So it is in the Kingdom of God. While the gospel has made us lords of all, very few ever grow into an understanding of what that means. Some remain babes their entire lives. The incredible potential of their new identity is never discovered or released into the world. They differ nothing from a servant.

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, (Eph. 4:13-14).

It’s time we LEARN, GROW and STEP into our role in Christ. Babes (though they be heirs) will never reign in life. Make up your mind to grow into all that Jesus has created you to be!  - By Barry Bennett

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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