Sunday, October 8, 2017

Happiness is a Choice

Happy Sunday!

I hope your week was prosperous and enjoyable!  My week was full as usual and I noticed a few things that I want to share with you!

Happiness is a choice, and joy is a gift!  Take a moment to think about that!  This week as I was walking by the lake, I passed a group of runners.  Or should I say they passed me, since they were moving faster.  The first thing I noticed is that they were running on the wrong side of the trail.  As they got closer I could hear their accents.  I believe they were from an African country, probably in Chicago for the Chicago Marathon.  The man running in front proclaimed, "This is the happiest day of my life!"  Another man in the group was stunned, and said, "Really, how?"   They passed me before I could hear the first man's reply, but I was immediately encouraged.  Who knows what the man had to go through to get to this day, but he decided to be happy!  The Bible says, "Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord."(Psalm 144:15, KJV).  Don't miss this!  Happy are those whose God is the Lord!  It didn't say that happy are those who have everything they want!  It didn't say happy are those who never have trials and tribulation!  But it says, there are other reasons to be happy and basically following God,  getting His wisdom and obeying His commandments produces happiness.  I continued my walk and had a flashback to Sunday School as a child.  My favorite Sunday School Teacher, other than my mother was Mother Gertie Moore at First  Baptist Church of Chesterfield, in Chesterfield, Missouri.

My father may correct me, but I believe Mother Moore taught us the song, "Happiness is the Lord".  
The lyrics are...

Happiness is to know the Saviour,
Living a life within His favour,
Having a change in my behaviour,
Happiness is the Lord.
Happiness is a new creation,
Jesus and me in close relation,
Having a part in His salvation,
Happiness is the Lord.

Real joy is mine,
No matter if the teardrops start,
I've found a secret,
It's Jesus in my heart.
Happiness is to be forgiven,
Living a life that's worth the livin',
Taking a trip that leads to Heaven,
Happiness is the Lord.

Remember I said, Happiness is a choice, and joy is a gift?    We choose happiness when we obey God, but Joy is a fruit of the Spirit.  Galatians 5:22-25 says, "The Spirit however, produces in human life fruits such as these: love, JOY, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, fidelity, tolerance and self-control—and no law exists against any of them. Those who Belong to Christ have crucified their old nature with all that it loved and lusted for. If our lives are centered in the Spirit, let us be guided by the Spirit."(Phillips Translation).  The Spirit of God produces Joy in our lives.  The Apostle James encouraged believers to, "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way."(James 1:2-4, Message).  The King James Version of these same scriptures says, "My brethren, count it all JOY when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing".

This passage brings me to another thought...Patience is required when walking by Faith!  We live in a microwave generation!  As the JG Wentworth commercial says, "It's my money, and I want it now!"  I am employed by a major technology company.  I serve customers that many times are unreasonable. They refuse to follow instructions, ignore sound advice, and expect resolutions in micro and nanoseconds!  I was worn out by several customers on a certain day, and went on break.  In the restroom, the place for deep thought, I said to the Lord, "I don't think I'm cut out for Customer Service! These people are crazy!  They don't want listen, but expect to get everything they ask for!"   In my spirit, I heard the Lord say, "I know what you mean!  How do you think I feel?"   My jaw dropped! Whoa!  Everybody wants to sing about the Blessing, but no one wants to obey!  Everyone wants the Best from God, but no one wants to wait.  We want magic, but God requires patience.

Last but not least, my Pastor, Dr. Bill Winston said today, "Your problems are gift-wrapped promotions!"   I'll just leave that there for you!

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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