Sunday, October 1, 2017

More Than Enough in Tough Times

Happy Sunday!

WOW!  It's October 1, 2017!  Where has the year gone?  If you made any New Year's Resolutions time is ticking...get busy!  

Last week, I was blessed by several sermons by Brother Jerry Savelle.

One sermon I listened to, was entitled, "More Than Enough in Tough Times".   Psalm 37:18-19 says, "The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.  They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied."(KJV).   The Message translation of this scripture says, "God keeps track of the decent folk; what they do won’t soon be forgotten.  In hard times, they’ll hold their heads high; when the shelves are bare, they’ll be full".  What a wonderful promise!   

If we are doing what God has instructed us to do, we can expect his provision, and protection!   The Apostle Paul wrote, "And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns."(Philippians 1:6, Living Bible).   God is concerned about you!  He has not forgotten you, even though things may look bad.   Daily we need to remind ourselves of what being Blessed really means!   Psalm 34:10 says, "The young lions lack food and suffer hunger, but they who seek (inquire of and require) the Lord [by right of their need and on the authority of His Word], none of them shall lack any beneficial thing."(Amplified).  Don't miss this!  We will not lack any beneficial thing!

Genesis 22 recounts the story of Abraham when God commanded him to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice.  After three days, they arrived at the place.  Abraham told his servants to wait while he and Isaac went to worship.  He also said in faith, "I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you."(vs 5, KJV).  Abraham believed the promise of God that his descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky, and the grains of sand.  He trusted that even if Isaac died, God would raise him from the dead to keep His promise.  Abraham was teaching Isaac the ways of worship.  In verse 7, Isaac says, "My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?"(KJV).  Isaac knew that something was missing.  Abraham again speaks in faith..."My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering"(KJV).  Abraham called God, Jehovah Jireh.  Jehovah Jireh means God sees beforehand and provides.  When Abraham raised the knife to slay Isaac, he was commanded to stop and behind him there was a ram caught in the thicket.  How long was the ram caught in the thicket?  We may never know, but God always provides.

Romans 4:18-21 speaks about Abraham, "So, when God told Abraham that he would give him a son who would have many descendants and become a great nation, Abraham believed God even though such a promise just couldn’t come to pass! And because his faith was strong, he didn’t worry about the fact that he was too old to be a father at the age of one hundred, and that Sarah his wife, at ninety,  was also much too old to have a baby.  But Abraham never doubted. He believed God, for his faith and trust grew ever stronger, and he praised God for this blessing even before it happened. He was completely sure that God was well able to do anything he promised."(Living Bible).  

Walking by Faith, not by sight.

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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