Sunday, March 18, 2018


Happy Sunday!

Proverbs 25:28 says, "A man without self-control is as defenseless as a city with broken-down walls."(Living Bible).   You should read this scripture in multiple translations, it's very interesting.  In our modern cities and societies, walls may not mean as much as they did in Bible times.  But in the past, walls were a necessity.   When the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land they came to Jericho.  The Bible says,  "Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in."(Joshua 6:1, KJV).  The city was fortified, protected from enemy invaders.  The inhabitants created an elaborate survival system and were prepared to wait it out.  Of course, God had another plan and miraculously caused their defense to crumble.  

One of the trips I plan to take is a cruise down the Rhine River in Germany.  These cruises travel past Medieval castles and fortresses that have withstood time.  Similar to Bible times, these fortresses were built with protection in mind.  If needed, thousands of people could retreat to the castle for safety, and be protected behind the walls.  Even the Great Wall of China was built to fend off Northern invaders.  Self Control is one of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, and essential in the life of the Believer.  Dr. Matthew L. Stevenson III preached a message today called, "Fences".   He reminded us that boundaries and standards are vital.  In Matthew 22:37, Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (intellect)."(Amplified).  When we love Jesus more than any person, place or thing it sets a standard in our lives.  There are things we will will not do, places we will not go, and words will will not speak when we have boundaries in our lives.  These are not just religious rituals, but these decisions could mean the difference between life and death.

Our lesson today in Children's Church was entitled, "The Enemy's Counterfeit".   For months, we have been teaching the children how to hear the Voice of God, and how to flow with the Holy Spirit.  Why?  Great question.  So glad you asked!  In order to train someone to differentiate between real and fake they are generally exposed to the authentic.  When you know what a real $100 bill looks like and feels like, you can compare and identify the counterfeit bills.  During the Western Expansion, gold was king.  Individuals left the comfort of their homes in search of a fortune available in California and other states.  Many were fooled by iron pyrite, or fools gold.  Just as thieves and counterfeiters get more an more skilled at what they do, Believers must become more and more alert and aware.  I often use this example with children...parents allow their children to play in the fenced yard.  They want them to enjoy themselves, but they also want to protect them from the dangers beyond the fence.  The enemy wants us to think we are missing out on something outside this boundary.  What we are really missing out on is danger, pain, and possible death.  God has set standards for us in the Word not to restrict our enjoyment, but to keep us safe.   1 Timothy 6:17 says, "Here’s what you say to those wealthy in regard to this age: “Don’t become high and mighty or place all your hope on a gamble for riches; instead, fix your hope on God, the One who richly provides Everything for our Enjoyment.”(Voice).  Don't miss this!  God wants your well, happy, and enjoying life.

We always come back to the Word.  God will never contradict his Word.  Knowing the Word and applying it to our daily lives is the key to living and enjoying life.  John 10:10 says, "The thief approaches with malicious intent, looking to steal, slaughter, and destroy; I came to give life with joy and abundance."(Voice).

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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