Sunday, July 22, 2018

Healing and Trauma

Happy Sunday!

I hope you are doing well!  I really appreciate being able to share Happy Sunday with you each week.  I also love to hear from you when you are touched, or encouraged.  I've been working on Sundays for several months now.  This shift bid will end and a new one will begin in October.  Looking forward to a better shift, and always believing for a better position.

Just want you to know that I don't take this opportunity lightly.  

Sharing an excerpt from Barry Bennett.  I love his ministry, and hope it encourages you as well.

Healing and Trauma by Barry Bennett

We know that humans are comprised of spirit, soul and body. We can generally define the soul to include both the mental and emotional dimensions. We should consider four areas in our lives that need the renewing power of the Holy Spirit and the restoration of the Word: our spirits, our minds, our emotions and our bodies.

These four areas are interconnected in many respects. Mental challenges can impact the emotions and emotional issues can impact the mind. Both of these areas can adversely affect physical health, and likewise, physical challenges can negatively impact the mind and emotions. The overriding issue is man’s spirit. An unhealthy spirit, that is, one that is separated from the continual flow of God’s life, can allow more negative impact from other kinds of life events which can cause damage to the mental, emotional and physical dimensions of life.

This isn’t about whether or not someone is saved (born again), but whether they are healthy spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Healing is much more than just a physical issue. Many times, the physical problem is simply a symptom of a greater need.

One of the most potentially damaging events in life is trauma. Traumatic events can include the unexpected loss of a loved one, acute stress, natural disasters, divorce, a negative medical diagnosis, legal issues, financial burdens, broken relationships with children or parents, etc. The list could go on and on. Such events can impact all four areas of our lives. Emotional trauma and mental trauma can trigger physical reactions, either in the short term or long term. Physical trauma, such as an accident, can damage mental and emotional stability. If the spiritual condition is not firm in Christ, unresolved trauma can bring great destruction to someone’s life.

“The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?” (Prov. 18:14) Even Christians can allow their spirits to languish. That is why Paul prayed as he did in Ephesians 3:16, “that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.”

“….by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.” (Prov. 15:13) And what can be the results of a broken spirit?

“…..a broken spirit dries the bones.” (Prov. 17:22)

Thus, sorrow of the heart which can be the result of various kinds of trauma, can ultimately ‘dry the bones,’ i.e., have a negative physical impact. Again, all of these areas are interconnected. Like a chain of dominoes, when the first one falls, the others can be impacted.

What is the answer?

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;” (Luke 4:18)

Whatever may be the affliction and the source of the affliction, Jesus came to heal it. Whether or not we are suffering mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually, Jesus is the answer. A healthy ‘inner man’ is one that is in communion with the Father and full of faith, joy and love. It is the source of healing in every other area of life.

“A merry heart does good like a medicine.” (Pr. 17:22)

Determine to allow the Word and the Spirit to give birth to hope both mentally and emotionally. Begin a life of praise and thanksgiving. Be proactive in receiving the ministry of Jesus in every area of your life.  - Barry Bennett

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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