Sunday, December 2, 2018

ALL means All...

Happy Sunday!

"Then, knowing what lies ahead for you, you won’t become bored with being a Christian nor become spiritually dull and indifferent, but you will be anxious to follow the example of those who receive ALL that God has promised them because of their strong faith and patience."(Hebrews 6:12, Living Bible).

Because of their strong faith and patience the people in the previous scripture received all that God had promised them.  Don't you want everything you are promised?  Of course you do!  You don't go in and order a fully loaded vehicle, and then accept a stock model with manual windows.  You want what you were promised, what you ordered, or what you paid for.  Jesus paid it all!  He paid for your life, healing, well being and prosperity.  Isaiah 53:5 says, "But he was hurt because of us; he suffered so.  Our wrongdoing wounded and crushed him. He endured the breaking that made us whole.  The injuries he suffered became our healing."(Voice).  

Psalm 78:41 sheds some light on why the Children of Israel missed out on the Promises of God, "Again and again they turned away and tempted God to kill them, and limited the Holy One of Israel from giving them his blessings."(Living Bible).  WOW!  What were they doing that made God so angry?  I'll tell you what they were doing, and we sometimes do these things as well.  Murmuring and complaining, speaking against their leaders, and doubting if God would provide for them.  

The Apostle Paul offers a bit of encouragement for us, "Let us not grow tired of doing good, for, unless we throw in our hand, the ultimate harvest is assured. Let us then do good to all men as opportunity offers, especially to those who belong to the Christian household."(Galatians 6:7, Phillips).

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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