Sunday, December 16, 2018

Blame it on the Rain...

Happy Sunday!

"The man said, “The woman you put here with me gave me fruit from that tree. So I ate it.”(Genesis 3:12, Easy-to-Read Version).  The Blame Game has been played since the beginning of time.  Adam blamed God and Eve, and Eve blamed the snake.  So many times we don't want to take responsibility for our actions, choices, and decisions.  But ultimately, we will have to, and we definitely need to face the facts.

Long before Dave Ramsey, Gary and Drenda Keesee, and Chris Hogan, there was Dr. John Avanzini.  In the early 1990's, Dr. John Avanzini ministered at Abundant Love Fellowship in Cahokia, Illinois.  I was privileged to be there and hear the ministry about God's Abundance and being Debt Free.  It was fresh, exciting, and new.  My husband and I bought the "Rooty Tooty Fresh & Fruity" package for $100.00 which included several books and many cassette tapes.  One of the books was entitled, "It's Not Working Brother John".  The book listed 25 things that can close the Windows of Heaven.  The book encouraged the readers to look at themselves, and not play the blame game.  

Introspection, self-analysis, self-examination, and soul-searching are so very helpful and prevent placing blame.  But even though I was armed with all of this information back then, it's 2018, almost 2019 and I still have more work to do financially.  I could blame being reared in poverty, I could blame my teachers, preachers, and family members.  I could blame the government, or the social and racial constructs.  BUT when it's all said and done...there are people that have less than I have, and yet they have done more.  They made better's as simple as that.  

BUT thank God it's not too late for me or you!  James 1:5 says, "If you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking."(Voice).  Don't miss this!  He never scolds us for the bad decisions.  He lovingly provides the answers we need and another chance to get it right.

I'm against resolutions, but I'm all for Goals.  Set realistic short, and long term goals.  Write it down, or place it on a Vision Board.   Find the knowledge in the Word of God, in books, and other resources then pray for Wisdom to know how to apply what you learn to your daily life.  Proverbs 3:13 says, "Those who find wisdom are fortunate; they will be blessed when they gain understanding."(Easy-to-Read Version).

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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