Sunday, April 7, 2019

Who you gonna call?

Happy Sunday!

"This man Daniel, whom King Nebuchadnezzar named Belteshazzar, has special abilities, knowledge, and wisdom; he is able to interpret dreams, explain riddles and solve problems no one else can. Why don’t you call for Daniel? He will tell you what the writing means."(Daniel 5:12, Voice).  

When I read this translation of Daniel 5:12, I immediately thought..."Who you gonna call?"  If you are old enough you may remember that this question was the clarion call for Ghostbusters.  The king in this story decided to have a party.  As the night wore on, he called for the gold and silver vessels that had been taken from the temple in Jerusalem.  While drinking wine from these sacred vessels, "Suddenly, a person’s hand appeared and began writing on the wall. The fingers scratched words into the plaster on the wall, near the lampstand in the king’s palace. The king was watching the hand as it wrote."(Daniel 5:5, Easy-to-Read Version).

The king and his guests were horrified!  The king's mother heard the screams and entered the room.  She encouraged her son, and told him about Daniel and his amazing track record.  Of course, Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall and sadly it didn't end well for the king.  He died that same night.

Life is all about choices.  We have free will, but we cannot escape the consequences of our choices.  Daniel had the Spirit of the Lord, and so do we.  We have the answers at our fingertips.  BUT we have to listen and obey.  

"The wise will pay attention to these words and will grow in learning, and the discerning will receive divine guidance, and they will be able to interpret the meaning of a proverb and a puzzle, the twists and turns in the words of the wise and their riddles."(Proverbs 1:5-6, Voice).

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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