Sunday, May 26, 2019

High Gloss Memories

Happy Sunday!

Happy Memorial Day!

Thinking about things we remember.  In the USA, Memorial Day is set aside to remember the fallen military servicemen and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our nation...their lives.  Most of my life, I thought it was about Bar-B-Que, and a new summer outfit.  For me back then, it was just a day off work, and a time to relax.

Do you remember the story about the pot roast?  The women in a certain family always cut the ends off the pot roast.  Finally, an inquisitive husband asked why the ends were being removed.  His wife asked her mother, who asked her mother.  His wife's grandmother explained that she didn't have a pot big enough to hold the pot roast, so she cut the ends off so that it would fit.  Each woman continued the tradition of cutting off the pot roast ends without questioning the reason.

What, why, and how we remember things in life is vitally important.  Memories are often painful.  It seems to be easier to sweep some memories under the rug.  In order to use these memories for our benefit we have to process them properly.  We can't deny things happened, but we can move forward and live a wonderful life. The Apostle Paul encourages us by saying, "No, dear brothers, I am still not all I should be, but I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,"(Philippians 3:13, Living Bible).  It helps to know that Paul had just finished giving his testimony: good and bad.  He admitted that he wasn't perfect, and things weren't perfect. But he was able to look forward with hope, and a goal in mind.

My mother loved to use High Gloss Enamel paint on our walls.  She was an intelligent woman, and she understood that it was easier to wipe off fingerprints and dirt when necessary with this paint.  But High Gloss Enamel paint is thick and has to be applied evenly.  Also this paint cannot be washed from your paint brushes and rollers with water.  Paint thinner is necessary.  Where were the child labor laws? Where was OSHA?  Anyway, I digress.  After so many painting sessions, I must say I detest painting.  While working at Arizona State University, our offices were painted.  My Manager walked in and said, "Don't you just love to see them painting and smell the fresh paint?"  Immediately, I had a flash back!  Before I knew it, I exclaimed, "I hate painting! My mother made us paint with High Gloss Enamel Paint, and I can still here her saying, "Smooth even strokes! Smooth even strokes!" Mind you, I acted out the smooth even strokes with an imaginary paint brush.  My Manager smiled, and said, "Cynthia, you are going to have to get over that!"

He was right.  I need to get over it.  I won't forget it, because it gets funnier as I tell it...but I can process it differently.  Because my mother expected things to be done right, I never have a problem finding a job, I have never been fired for not doing my job correctly, and I understand the value of having a clean home.  See, I found some positives in that negative memory.  LOL!

 Proverbs 4:5 says, "Get skillful and godly Wisdom, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation); do not FORGET and do not turn back from the words of my mouth."(Amplified).  Remembering the Word of God is imperative.  Knowing that God is perfect, and humans are imperfect helps tremendously.  

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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