Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mama Said...

Happy Sunday!

Happy Mother's Day!

"What strikes me most is how natural and sincere your faith is. I am convinced that the same faith that dwelt in your grandmother, Lois, and your mother, Eunice, abides in you as well."(2 Timothy 1:5 Voice).

Timothy was the Apostle Paul's protégé.  Based on the letters written to him, life as a pastor was not always easy.  I imagine most pastors would agree that working with people can be trying at times.  Paul encouraged Timothy to remember the faith that his grandmother and mother demonstrated, and taught him.  He said, "Because you have this faith, I now remind you to stir up that inner fire which God gave you at your ordination. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and a sound mind."(vs 6-7 Phillips).

What did your mother teach you?  I can name numerous things my mother taught me, but the greatest would be the Word of God.  Sure, our mothers didn't get everything right, and neither have we.  But being taught that the Word is God speaking to me, and that God can be trusted has kept my life balanced during some very tumultuous times.  I remember my mother teaching, well it may have been preaching to a group. She read a scripture, and the crowd didn't respond as she may have thought they would.  Then she said, "Mrs. Woods didn't say that, God did!"  I laugh when I hear pastors and teachers today doing the same thing.  Brother Kenneth Hagin often told of conversations with people after he'd preached.  The person would say, "I don't agree with what you said!"  He'd say, "I didn't say that!"  The person would be getting frustrated and remark, "Yes, you did!  I heard you say it while you were preaching!"  Then Brother Hagin would say, "No, Jesus said it!"  So if you want to dispute it, or you refuse to believe it, you are not rejecting the messenger.  You are rejecting the message.

The Apostle John wrote, "This, in essence, is the message we heard from Christ and are passing on to you: God is light, pure light; there’s not a trace of darkness in him."(1 John 1:5 Message).  No darkness, no shadow of turning and changing.  God is still speaking to us through His Word.  The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth, "The preaching of the cross is, I know, nonsense to those who are involved in this dying world, but to us who are being saved from that death it is nothing less than the power of God."(1 Corinthians 1:18 Phillips).

I hope that if your mother is still on earth with you, you showed her the love and respect God would desire.  If your mother has gone on to Heaven, I hope that you honor her memory by remembering the good things she taught you, and applying it to your daily life.  And if you are still in the "mothering business", carefully consider the legacy you are creating.  What have you taught your children?  What will they remember?  Do they have what it takes to keep it altogether when the world seems to be falling apart?  Selah.

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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