Sunday, November 5, 2023

No Waste

 Happy Sunday!

"So, my dear brothers, since future Victory is SURE, be strong and steady, always abounding in the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted as it would be if there were no resurrection."(1 Corinthians 15:58 Living Bible).

Have you ever felt like your time has been wasted?  Sure you have!  A contractor didn't show up or complete a job.  A co-worker or teammate didn't do their portion of the assignment.  It's happened to most of us!  You may even feel you wasted time in some relationships.  BUT the Apostle Paul gives us GOOD News!  Nothing we ever do for the Lord is wasted!  

Hebrews 6:10 says, "God doesn’t miss anything. He knows perfectly well all the love you’ve shown him by helping needy Christians, and that you keep at it."(Message).  Galatians 6:7 says, "Make no mistake: God can’t be mocked. What you give is what you get. What you sow, you harvest."(Voice).  Don't miss this!  We tend to think of this in the negative, but let's be positive. ALL the GOOD that you have sown into the lives of others you will harvest.  Bishop Otis A. Eanes of the Illinois Southeast Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ used to say, "People don't have to do anything for you!"  If someone is kind to you and shares what they have with you, that's a Blessing!  

Matthew 6:2-4 says, "So, when you do good to other people, don’t hire a trumpeter to go in front of you—like those play-actors in the synagogues and streets who make sure that men admire them. Believe me, they have had all the reward they are going to get! No, when you give to charity, don’t even let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be secret. Your Father who knows all secrets will REWARD you."(Phillips).

Love and prayers, Cynthia

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