Sunday, February 12, 2023

Happiness Is

 Happy Sunday!

You know I love the Word of God!   So happy for the foundation my parents gave me in the things of the Lord.  I was singing a song the other day, and my daughters laughed. They said, "Where did you learn that little song?"   At First Baptist Church of Chesterfield, MO probably during Vacation Bible School or Sunday School.  I remember every word.  The song is entitled, "Happiness Is the Lord". The chorus says, "REAL Joy is mine, no matter if the teardrops start. I've found the secret, it's Jesus in my heart!"I know this to be true!  I am happier now than I've ever been!  And I can trace it all back to knowing, accepting, and following Jesus.  The following passage is entitled, "Trusting in People and Trusting in God".  It's from Jeremiah 17:5-8.  He tells us what we can expect when we choose to trust people, and what we enjoy when we trust God."This is what the Lord says: “Bad things will happen to those who put their trust in people.  Bad things will happen to those who depend on human strength.  That is because they have stopped trusting the Lord. They are like a bush in a desert where no one lives.  It is in a hot and dry land.  It is in bad soil. That bush does not know about the good things that God can give.“BUT those who trust in the Lord will be BLESSED. They know that the Lord will do what he says. They will be strong like trees planted near a stream that send out roots to the water. They have NOTHING TO FEAR when the days get hot.  Their leaves are always green. They never worry, even in a year that has no rain.  They always produce fruit."(Easy-to-Read Version).Love and prayers, Cynthia

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